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Personal Information

  • Full name: Shafiq Armani

  • Date of birth: 20/05/1985

  • Place of birth: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

  • Address: Haripur

  • Phone number: (+92) 7341 1127341

  • Email:

Shafiq Armani


  • Graduated in Business Administration from COMSATS Islamabad

  • Working at Brandians as an SEO Manager. His main duty is to apply new methods and powerful SEO tools that have driven his customers to the top of search engine result pages and drive more traffic to their websites.

Favorite Quote

“The reality of SEO is the reality of any successful endeavor: It will take strategic, consistent, and sufficient efforts to rank well” - Viola Eva, Founder of Flow SEO

Start-up Story

Shafiq Armani is a renowned SEO specialist whose start-up story has inspired many aspiring entrepreneurs around the world. Shafiq recognized the immense value that SEO could bring in increasing visibility and attracting more customers. Motivated by this realization, he delved into the world of SEO with determination. 

Therefore, he invested a significant amount of money in SEO tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, Helium 10, Minea, Store Leads, Adspy, and other SEO tools. Success did not come easy, Shafiq encountered several difficulties and setbacks in his early years. However, with every failure, Shafiq grew wiser and more adept at navigating the complexities of SEO. 

Eventually, he discovered the strengths and weaknesses of each SEO tool and applied which tools were suitable for each customer service and their campaign. These experiences taught him crucial lessons about the ever-changing surroundings of search engine algorithms and user behavior. With this understanding, he has created new methods and applied powerful SEO tools that have driven his customers to the top of search engine result pages.

His journey inspires countless individuals to embrace failures as stepping stones to success. Through his unwavering determination and continuous learning, Shafiq Armani has become one of the SEOers who are the most sought-after by businesses today.

Target Values

Shafiq Armani has always prioritized certain target values in his successful SEO career:

  • Transparency: Shafiq Armani values direct and honest communication with his clients. He is dedicated to giving clients thorough information and updates on the status of SEO campaigns so they are aware of the work being done and the outcomes obtained.

  • Become the Best SEO Tool Suppliers: Provide valuable tools like Ahrefs, Serumh, BuiltWith, and other SEO tools at affordable prices to customers.

  • Adaptability: Shafiq Armani is adaptable and flexible in his approach to SEO. He understands that each client and business is unique, and tailors his strategies accordingly. He is fast to adjust to developments and takes proactive steps to secure his client's long-term success.

  • Results-driven: Shafiq Armani is committed to achieving tangible results for his clients. He sets specific goals and works diligently to improve website rankings, increase organic traffic, and drive conversions.

  • Optimize User Experience: Recognize the importance of improving user experience. A well-optimized website makes it simple for visitors to browse and find what they're looking for, enhancing overall satisfaction and trust.

  • Ethical Practices: Shafiq Armani follows ethical SEO practices, adhering to industry guidelines and best practices. Instead of using black-hat techniques that might damage a client's online reputation, he prioritizes white-hat techniques and concentrates on long-term, sustainable outcomes.

With Shafiq Armani's expertise and focus on these target values, businesses can achieve remarkable success in their SEO endeavors.

Future Orientations

With the fast-paced digital market, Shafiq Armani is continuing to learn and accumulate his experiences, which include:

  • User-Centric Approach: SEO professionals will need to focus more on user intent and creating quality content that fits with user demands in the future.

  • Voice Search Optimization: With the development of voice search assistants such as Siri and Alexa, SEO professionals must modify their techniques to optimize for voice inquiries. This involves using long-tail keywords and conversational language to align with how people naturally speak.

  • Technology Integration: As SEO continues to evolve, specialists need to stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements to effectively optimize websites and content. This includes understanding how artificial intelligence and machine learning impact search algorithms and user behavior.

  • Integration with Other Marketing Channels: SEO is closely tied to other digital marketing channels such as content marketing, social media, and paid advertising. Future-oriented SEO specialists will need to understand how SEO integrates with these channels to create a holistic and cohesive marketing strategy.

  • Local SEO Optimization: As local search becomes increasingly important, SEO specialists will need to focus on optimizing websites for local searches. This includes optimizing Google My Business profiles, creating local content, and leveraging local directories to enhance visibility in specific geographic locations.

  • Data Analysis and Reporting: SEO practitioners must be skilled at evaluating data, interpreting analytics, and delivering informative reports to customers or stakeholders. This will aid in demonstrating the efficacy of SEO methods and guiding further adjustments.

  • User Experience Focus: In the future, SEO specialists will place an even greater emphasis on enhancing user experience. This means optimizing websites for speed, mobile-friendliness, and usability. Specialists will need to prioritize user intent and create content that not only ranks well but also engages and satisfies users.

  • Video and Visual Search Optimization: As video and visual content gain popularity, SEO specialists will need to optimize multimedia assets to improve visibility in search results. This may involve optimizing video descriptions, implementing schema markup for images, and using tags and captions effectively.

  • Continuous Learning: SEO specialists must stay updated with the latest algorithms and trends in search engine optimization. This means constantly learning and adapting.