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Ahrefs vs. Majestic vs. Moz

You've just launched your online store, brimming with innovative products, backed by stellar customer service, and boasting impeccable shipping reliability. It's a promising start, right?

However, as an online business owner, you understand that your venture's fate depends on how easily potential customers can discover and access your offerings on the vast digital landscape. This is where the magic of SEO tools comes into play.

What's remarkable is that you don't need to be an SEO expert to harness their power. Ahrefs, Majestic, and Seomoz are your trusted allies, regardless of your SEO proficiency level. These tools are designed to simplify the complex world of search engine optimisation and put you on a trajectory to success.

For more details, keep reading this article!

Ahrefs vs Majestic vs Seomoz Review & Comparison

Ahrefs review

Ahrefs' interface with text 'Ahrefs review'

In-Depth Analysis: Ahrefs Review

Creating high-quality backlinks is crucial for improving your website's performance and search engine rankings. When choosing a tool for this purpose, Ahrefs should be your top choice.

Ahrefs is indispensable for website owners due to its unmatched link index among SEO tools. Its robust features enable you to uncover valuable insights into your competitors' backlink profiles, empowering you to develop a successful backlink strategy for your website.

However, Ahrefs offers more than just link-building capabilities. It provides a range of additional features to enhance your website's functionality. You can check your Google rankings, conduct technical audits to identify and resolve website issues and use its Keywords Explorer for comprehensive keyword research.

Key Features

  • Site Explorer: Dive deep into the search traffic and backlink profile of any website or URL to understand what's effective.

  • Content Explorer: Discover the most popular content on any topic, complete with backlinks, organic traffic, and social shares.

  • Alerts: Stay updated on new and lost backlinks, web mentions, and keyword rankings never to miss significant developments.

  • Rank Tracker: Monitor your desktop and mobile rankings for any location and receive regular reports.

  • Domain Comparison: Evaluate the backlink profiles of up to 5 different sites to gain insights into your competitors' performance.

  • Content Gap: Identify keywords your competitors are ranking for to optimize your content and stay competitive.


  • Unrivaled backlink analysis: Ahrefs boasts a vast and regularly updated link database, making it one of the best tools for analyzing backlink profiles.

  • Accurate and reliable rank tracker: Ahrefs' rank monitoring tool is renowned for its precision and dependability, simplifying performance tracking for crucial keywords.

  • Email Alerts for New and Lost Backlinks: Receive email notifications for newly discovered or lost backlinks, saving time for busy SEO specialists.

  • High-quality keyword research: Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer offers precise and comprehensive keyword analysis, aiding in content optimization.

  • Excellent outreach tool: Use Ahrefs' outreach tool to connect with industry influencers and monitor outreach campaign results.

  • Sleek and User-Friendly UI: Ahrefs features an attractive, user-friendly interface that provides quick access to essential information.


  • Usage-based pricing: Ahrefs recently switched to usage-based pricing, making it costlier for frequent users, which might deter serious SEO experts.

  • Site audit tool complexity: Ahrefs' Site Audit tool can be time-consuming to generate reports, and the data can be challenging to interpret.

  • Limited SEO reporting features: Ahrefs offers limited reporting options, potentially causing issues for users needing consistent client or stakeholder reports.

  • Higher cost compared to competitors: While Ahrefs is a high-quality tool, it is relatively expensive when compared to standalone link-building tools like Majestic SEO and Linkody.

  • No free trial: Ahrefs does not provide a free trial, opting for a $7 one-week trial, which may deter users seeking a trial period before committing.

Ahrefs Pricing

  • Lite: $99 per month (Ideal for beginners and solopreneurs)

  • Standard: $179 per month (Ideal for experienced bloggers)

  • Advanced: $399 per month (Ideal for SEO agencies)

  • Agency: $999 per month (Ideal for marketing agencies with a large clientele)

Final verdict

Despite its higher cost, Ahrefs is a wise investment, setting the benchmark for backlink research. Its accuracy, comprehensiveness, and regular updates offer significant value to SEO specialists looking to optimize their backlink strategies.

Majestic Review

Majestic's interface with text 'Majestic Review

Digging Deep: Majestic Review

Majestic has been a prominent player in SEO tools since 2004, aiding individuals and businesses in their online marketing endeavours. Thanks to its advanced features and extensive Link Intelligence database, Majestic is quickly becoming a worldwide standard tool for SEO experts.

One of Majestic's key strengths lies in its ability to provide comprehensive insights into a website's link profile. Its robust link analysis algorithms can identify a website's most influential backlinks and potentially harmful links that could negatively impact its search engine rankings. 

This knowledge is invaluable for businesses striving to enhance their SEO strategies and gain a competitive edge. Additionally, Majestic offers many other features, including keyword research, site exploration, and rank tracking, making it an all-encompassing and indispensable tool for online marketers.

Key Features:

  • Site Explorer: Majestic's Site Explorer furnishes in-depth information about a website's backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, referring domains, and other pertinent data.

  • Keyword Checker: This feature allows users to assess a website's ranking for specific keywords and estimate potential traffic.

  • Trust Flow and Citation Flow: These metrics assist users in gauging a website's authority and credibility by analyzing its backlink profile.


  • Affordability: Majestic is a budget-friendly solution for those seeking to analyze their website's links.

  • Link Focus: With Majestic, users can concentrate exclusively on their website's link data, gaining valuable insights into the source and value of inbound links.

  • SEO Management: It's an excellent tool for precise SEO management targeting specific market segments.

  • Topical Trust Flow: The Topical Trust Flow feature stands out by helping users identify relevant blogs to engage with, facilitating customer growth and brand enhancement.

  • Useful for SEO Experts: Majestic is highly beneficial for efficiently managing a website's link profile.


  • Outdated User Interface: One drawback is its outdated user interface, although it fulfills its purpose.

  • Exporting Challenges: Exporting certain reports can be tedious due to an excessive number of columns, but this can be overcome with practice.

  • Steep Learning Curve: The tool's intricacies may be intimidating for SEO newcomers, necessitating time to familiarize oneself with its numerous metrics and features.

  • Metric Inaccuracy: Occasionally, there may be inaccuracies in the metrics of a single link's ACRank, though such instances are rare.

Majestic Pricing:

  • LITE: $49.99 per month (Ideal for small website owners)

  • PRO: $99.99 per month (Ideal for marketing agencies, domain traders, and SEO consultants)

  • API: $399.99 per month (Ideal for developers and agencies requiring maximum capabilities)

Final verdict

In conclusion, Majestic is an indispensable tool for both businesses and individuals striving for success in the realm of online marketing. Its robust feature set and powerful link analysis algorithms offer unparalleled insights into website link profiles. Regardless of your experience level or where you stand in your marketing journey, Majestic is a tool you'll want at your disposal.

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Moz Review

Moz's dashboard with the text 'Moz Review

Unveiling the Metrics: Moz Review

Moz extensively utilises SEO metrics such as Domain Authority and Page Authority, providing valuable context for reporting on link equity, keyword rankings, and page optimisation.

However, despite offering various services, Moz's growth has decelerated in recent years. This slowdown may be attributed to a need for more innovation, especially since Fishkin's departure from the organisation in 2018.

Nevertheless, Moz remains a dependable and trusted tool for many SEO specialists. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive reporting make it an excellent choice for individuals and businesses seeking to enhance their online presence.

The company's success can be largely attributed to Fishkin's industry expertise and visionary leadership, combined with Moz's early entry into the SEO tool market.


Moz is a well-established SEO tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features to assist businesses in improving their online presence. You can visit Moz's official website to learn more about all the features.

Here are some key features that set Moz apart from other SEO tools:

  • Global Rank Tracking: Moz allows you to monitor keyword performance across over 200 versions of Google, Bing, and Yahoo in different countries. You can also analyse keywords by campaign, label, and region for a detailed assessment of your global search presence.

  • Keyword Research: With Moz's keyword research tool, you can identify and rank the most effective keywords for your website. This helps you optimise your content for your target audience, improving search rankings.

  • Link Profile Analysis: Moz provides industry-leading metrics to evaluate crucial internet links and gain insights into your competitors' backlink profiles. By examining your link profile, you can discover ways to enhance your website's authority and increase your chances of ranking higher.

  • Site Crawl: Moz's site crawl feature identifies common SEO issues affecting your website's performance. It offers guidance on resolving these issues to enhance your overall SEO performance.

  • Page Optimization: Moz enables you to discover top-performing content on the web and develop effective strategies to enhance your content marketing efforts. You can analyse competitors' content and identify gaps in your strategy to address with your content.

  • Reporting: Moz offers comprehensive reporting tools to track your website's performance over time. You can measure the impact of your SEO activities on your site's traffic, demonstrating your return on investment.


  • Helpful Recommendations: Moz's Site Audit tool provides actionable solutions to address critical site issues, offering valuable insights to SEO specialists.

  • On-Page Optimization Functions: Moz helps you identify and fix on-page problems, leading to improved search rankings.

  • Moz's Pro Line: All plans include excellent customer service and the option for 1-on-1 product walkthroughs.


  • Misleading Search Volume: Moz's search volume data can be misleading, making it less suitable for those seeking precise keyword data.

  • Imprecise Site Audit Reports: Site audit reports may only sometimes identify common SEO errors accurately, requiring additional research or other tools.

  • Inaccurate Backlink Information: Moz's backlink information can occasionally need to be corrected, which can be problematic for those relying heavily on backlinks for search ranking.

  • Steep Learning Curve: Moz has a learning curve, making it less suitable for beginners needing time to use its features.

  • Outdated User Interface: Some users may need help finding Moz's interface updated and more user-friendly.

Moz Pricing:

  • Standard Plan: $99/Month (Ideal for bloggers and solopreneurs)

  • Medium Plan: $179/Month (Ideal for bloggers)

  • Large Plan: $299/Month (Ideal for SEO agencies)

  • Premium Plan: $599/Month (Ideal for marketing agencies with a large clientele)

Final Verdict

Despite Rand Fishkin's excellent YouTube channel and a wealth of SEO resources on his blog, Moz is considered the list's least effective all-purpose SEO tool. When comparing tools based on their capabilities and prices rather than the content they offer, spending $100 monthly on Moz may not be justified. Instead, investing in SEMrush or Ahrefs might be a more worthwhile choice.

Read more: 

What is the Best SEO Tool for Digital Marketing?

What is the Best SEO Tool for Digital Marketing?

Finding the Ultimate SEO Ally: What is the Best SEO Tool for Digital Marketing?

While these top-notch SEO tools may seem similar at first glance, their notable distinctions set them apart. Not all tools cater to users with the same level of expertise, and they serve different purposes.

For newcomers or smaller businesses, Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is an excellent choice. It's comprehensive and user-friendly, offering insights into necessary website improvements and how to implement them efficiently.

Choose Ahrefs if:

  • You have a basic understanding of SEO.

  • You value competitor analysis side-by-side.

  • You want an overview of organic traffic and keyword rankings over time.

  • However, if you're managing advertising campaigns or seeking social media support, Majestic, while a superb platform, may not be the best fit for beginners. Those with more experience will find Majestic more beneficial than those with a basic SEO understanding.

Majestic is ideal for digital marketers who:

  • Want to build customer loyalty and trust.

  • Need to increase brand awareness.

  • Focus primarily on backlinks.

  • Want to identify websites linking to theirs?

  • Moz and Ahrefs offer relatively similar capabilities and are user-friendly. Businesses should be able to understand the data and implement the insights.

Choose Moz if:

  • You want to drive qualified traffic to your website.

  • You aim for full website optimisation.

  • You want to track your rankings compared to competitors.

  • You need to boost local rankings and increase local traffic.

The internet allows businesses to reach a global audience, which can be both a blessing and a challenge. If you wish to expand your business internationally, this is fantastic. However, standing out amidst the online competition is crucial for businesses offering local services or products.

Local listings enable businesses to shine in their community, avoiding getting lost among larger enterprises vying for the same audience. This approach results in more targeted search traffic and focused search activity.

Ultimately, Ahrefs emerges as the winner because it provides an all-encompassing solution. Most digital marketers appreciate having all their needs met on a single platform, which translates to cost savings and less time spent on optimisation.


Which tool offers the most accurate data for SEO purposes?

All three tools provide valuable data, but the accuracy of data can vary depending on the specific metric and the freshness of their databases. Ahrefs is often praised for its accuracy.

Is there a free version available for any of these tools?

Ahrefs and Majestic offer paid subscriptions but provide limited free versions with restricted features.

Moz offers a limited free version of its SEO tools, but the full suite is available with a paid subscription.

Are there any other notable features that differentiate these tools?

Ahrefs offers a site audit tool for on-page SEO analysis.

Majestic's Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics help assess the quality of backlinks.

Moz provides a MozBar browser extension for quick SEO insights while browsing websites.

Which tool is more suitable for beginners in SEO?

Moz is often considered more user-friendly for beginners due to its comprehensive tools and educational resources.

Ahrefs and Majestic may have steeper learning curves, especially for those new to SEO.

Do these tools offer competitive analysis features?

Yes, all three tools offer features for analysing the SEO strategies of competitors, including their backlinks, keywords, and rankings.

Can I use multiple tools simultaneously for better SEO insights?

Yes, many SEO professionals use a combination of these tools to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their website's performance and competitive landscape.


In conclusion, the choice between Ahrefs, Majestic, and Moz (formerly known as SEOmoz) depends on your specific SEO needs and preferences. Ahrefs excels in backlink analysis and keyword research, Majestic is renowned for its comprehensive link data, and Moz offers a well-rounded suite of SEO tools. 

To make the best decision, consider your priorities, budget, and the depth of insights required to enhance your website's search engine performance. Each tool has its strengths, so choose the one that aligns most closely with your SEO goals.

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Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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