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AMZShark is an amazing tool for sellers that are already established on the Amazon game and need to scale up their sales. 13 tools in 1 covering every step of the selling process: from niche and keyword research to PPC campaigns improvement.  AMZShark is a really useful tool for every seller but it will serve you best if you are an experienced seller.

If you are looking for an all in one solution to cover from niche scouting, to supplier scouting of keyword tracking, AMZShark will do the work for just 299$ a month.

This Amazon Tool is going to let you take a better (and bigger) profit of those products you are selling, and to perform better in order to win the BuyBox and gain ranks on the categories listings and search results.


AMZShark Features

This tool uses some of the industry leading features that every Amazon seller should be using to meet their business-profit-goals. AMZShark has 13 featurs inside:

Sales Tracker

To discover accurate sales, price history an Sales Rank for virtually any product sold on Amazon.
You will be able to track as far as 1.000 products at once using 90 days of historic sales data.

Niche Scout

A feature to instantly find potential niches, which offers essential stats (including sales) in just a glance.

Search Rankings Tracker

A simple tracker of the rankings on Amazon for any marketplace.
You will be able to see the results of your marketing strategy (and its optimization) updated daily.

Supplier Scout

Find suppliers on the web (whether they are or not Amazon sellers), simply by entering a keywords of your choice.

amzshark reviews

Keyword Explorer

An easy way to find related keywords so you can use and optimize them in PPC Campaigns, SEO and in-depth keyword research.

Listing Scout

Compare listings across a niche, find weak spots and improve your own lists to beat the competition.

Keyword Comparison

Easily compare and contrast up to 20 keywords at once.
Really useful for identifying profitable sub-niches that could also be profitable.

Hijacking Alerts

Monitor Buy Box on your listings, and get automatic alert emails if a hijacking is detected.

Super URLs

Super URLs can be used to help increase your search ranking on Amazon. Direct customers to your products using this links provided specially to you, which are made via Super URLS so you can boost your ranking in whichever keywords you choose.


Feedback Alerts

Monitor your seller feedbacks via automatic email alerts, as well as those negative feedbacks.

Competition Scout

Get to see how your competitors rank, and which are the keywords that you should target.

Review Alerts

Track new reviews and get alert emails, so you could “repair” any negative reviews.

PPC Scout

Analyze Amazon PPC competitor’s campaigns, and which are the keywords you should be targeting.

amzshark reviews


$299/month (month to month commitment, there’s no anual fee) including the 13 tools and:

  • 1000 Keywords tracked in Search Rankings
  • 1000 Sales Tracker Products
  • 1000 Review Alerts Products
  • 300 Hijacking Alerts Products
  • 100 Feedback Alerts Sellers
  • Unlimited Keyword Explorer Searches
  • Unlimited Niche Scout Searches
  • Unlimited Super URLs
  • Unlimited Keyword Comparisons
  • Unlimited Competition Scout Searches
  • Friendly, Fast, Premium Support
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expert in selling group buying tools
Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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