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AvantLink is a web-based affiliate network that empowers businesses to increase their reach via quality partnerships. To ensure companies that the ones they’re working with aren’t less than serious about the partnership, the system only accepts affiliates and merchants that have passed their rigorous scrutiny. Avantlink, however, isn’t just a place for profitable connections since it is also a platform where businesses have access to advanced API, real-time reports, and top-notch tools that give them the competitive edge they need. Aside from that, users are able to rely on its support team that’s always available to provide assistance to anyone, regardless of how greenhorn or veteran there is in affiliate marketing.


AvantLink Features

Affiliate Link Encoder

This feature makes adding links to your program easier than ever! While it’s useful for all affiliates who’d like to automate their more tedious tasks, this is especially good for new affiliates who have limited experience creating affiliate links.

You can set up your automatic link encoder in two different ways: To create a link when you reference a certain website, or to create a link when you mention a certain keyword.

Once you incorporate this feature on your site, whenever you reference your merchant’s website, that link becomes an affiliate link! Or, when you set this tool up for keywords, you can set exactly which keywords to link and where you want the links to go.

For example, if you want to link automatically to the merchant website every time you mention the company name in your article, you can add the company name as a keyword. You can also set how many times you want the keywords to be automatically linked out.

Once you create the HTML, you can either put it in your site-wide HTML or place it in individual pages.

Thus, with just a few minutes of work, affiliate links can be set up for your entire affiliate website!

Affiliate Link Custom Link Builder

This tool lets users build custom affiliate tracking links like clockwork, especially if you have several links to develop. Also, you can apply custom tracking codes to monitor each link. Furthermore, the custom link builder tool also lets you deep-link to visitors in high converting areas of the site. 

avantlink click

Affiliate Link Paid Ad Placement

The platform lets you enjoy the benefits of paid ad placement. Paid ads are an excellent way to earn commissions through the AvantLink platform. To be specific, the network makes it easy to retain optimal control over the denial or approval of merchant bids. 

You can even choose display ads from merchants or any other ad network. This way, you get the freedom required to come with customized ads that can target a specific consumer niche. 

Furthermore, if you are an affiliate and you have ad spots on your website, the AvantLink platform provides a convenient way to incorporate it with links. 

You can make use of the paid placement tool, which lets you set specific pages and websites, which you provide ad space during the marketing procedure.

Once you avail the information, merchants can be able to place bids for the best spots on your site. You even get to control the bid amount by selecting a minimum bid.

Affiliate Link Real-Time Analytics

Whether you’re a merchant or an influencer, you will have access to real-time analytics to understand exactly how you’re performing. The platform offers data that you can use to improve your marketing campaign and increase your conversion rate.

avantlink merchants

Affiliate Link AvantLink App Market

This AvantLink review cannot be complete without the mention of this feature. Here you will find a number of apps that can help you reach a wider audience. These are mainly made for merchants but you will also find some affiliate-related apps.

The best thing is that users have the option to create their own apps as well. This may sound complicated but there are some perks since others will be able to use your tools and you will earn a 20% commission on every sale they make through the tool that you created. It’s a win-win situation.

One of our favorite tools is SnapDealist. It searches through the available data and finds the cheapest product for you. Go through all the apps and find the one that you find the most helpful.

Affiliate Link Widget Managers

The AvantLink platform offers you two types of widgets:

  • Product Content Widgets: These offer information and content about a specific product. On top of that, these widgets provide price comparisons between various merchants for the given product. Through this approach, you will have access to useful information for making a purchase. 

The widget also lets you organize product reviews from your merchant. The product reviews are often informative pieces of content with links to a given product. 

To make the most of this approach, you will even get the ability to provide similar product review entries to improve the chances of making sales.

  • Product Ad Widgets: These widgets make it easy to manage the products you wish to sell. You will be able to perform a number of tasks such as display products from different merchants. Besides that, you can also gain access to features that let you publish updated product content on the site. This way, you will be able to keep your clients informed at all points of the purchase with legitimate information. 

avantlink review

Affiliate Link Eligibility and Requirements

There are various compliance and eligibility terms associated with the AvantLink network. 

If you have any issues as a merchant, you can contact for advice. 

The compliance department reviews each account application to determine whether it meets the stipulated terms. You have to have a proper online presence and provide legitimate user details. They do accept new businesses for as long as it’s registered.

Furthermore, the AvantLink site also regularly reviews each member’s account for violation of terms of use. 

Team members who are suspected of violating the terms will be sent for a review. The common violations include email spamming, credit card fraud, scamming, and more. Also, the platform employs the use of various third party and internal tools to identify violations. 

The application process involves the verification of the Ownership Instruction Manual, which is sent to your email. Before your profile is approved, the compliance team will have to authenticate your identity and the website. 

On the other hand, it is easy to become an affiliate. Affiliates are also not permitted to own several accounts for the same site.

Affiliate Link Benefits

The main benefits of Avantlink are its strict application process to ensure quality affiliates, ultimate transparency is given to users through tools and features, streamlined process of approval, and the split commission model being utilized. Here are more details:

Affiliate Link Rigor assessments of affiliates

Avantlink makes certain that network affiliates are nothing but quality ones. To accomplish this, they perform the application processes rigorously. There are multiple levels of QA procedure to ensure that the applicants are taking the matter seriously and that they are capable of assisting businesses in enhancing their reach. In fact, because only the best is being accepted as affiliates, application passing rate is only on 30%.

what is avantlink

Affiliate Link High transparency

Avantlink ensures that users are given every tool they need in order to keep track of their chosen partners. They are given insight regarding the sales they make with the particular affiliate, together with clicks and impressions. Thanks to this, they would have an idea about the productivity of their partnership, giving them enough information to make decisions immediately or in the future.

Affiliate Link Efficient approval processing

No time would be wasted on reviewing applications anymore because the system takes care of streamlining that process for the users. This means that companies will no longer have to deal with bulk applications or those applicants that have been already rejected. This not only saves them some time but it lets them focus better on building quality relationships instead.

Affiliate Link Split commissions

Instead of utilizing the typically used model of Last Click Wins, Avantlink brings change to the game by having the commission be split among affiliates, giving them all share in the provided sale’s payout. Companies are given attribution data so that they are able to see the affiliates’ impact.


  • Plenty of big name brands to market in varied categories. There are tons of catalog-based merchants in nearly every category, including big names like, Eastern Mountain Sports, KEEN Footwear, Pharmaca, Whirlpool and more.
  • Third party tools available to make your life easier. Whether you want to dig into the API or create new apps yourself, or if you’d prefer to use the tools that others have created already, it’s all available to you!
  • Easy to keep up to date with deals. AvantLink keeps its affiliates up to date with current sales and promotions within each merchant program.
  • Go way beyond banner ads. If you want a datafeed manager, automatic link encoding, ad widgets or even to sell your own ad space to merchants, you have plenty of options for revenue with AvantLink.
  • Customized tracking. Affiliates can define custom tracking codes, and thus follow their ad campaigns in just the way they need to.
  • Detailed overview of each individual program. No more doubting before signing up! You can see all the details you need before you join an individual program.
  • Dedicated forum for affiliates. The AvantLink community is ready to help both beginning and advanced affiliate marketers.


  • Only 30% of affiliates are accepted into the network. AvantLink actually mentions this number on their website. Thus, it’s not easy to get accepted into this network.
  • Limited customer support. This common complaint among affiliate networks has not yet been overcome by AvantLink.

Affiliate Link Pricing and Discount with Promo, Coupon code

AvantLink uses a flexible pricing model. Here, you get to pay for as many features as you need.

For merchants, you can request a custom quote from AvantLink to know how much it would cost you to use their platform for your business.

Affiliates get paid on a commission basis usually negotiated with their merchants. AvantLink does regulate these negotiations to ensure no one feels cheated though.

avantlink wordpress


AvantLink is a great resource for new entrants to the market. It is great at taking newly formed web pages and getting them ready for advertising, and introducing affiliates to the concept of turning their sites into revenue.

While it is a great site for the new entrant, AvantLink has some serious shortcomings that prevent it from being a long-term solution to either an affiliate or a merchant. This would be a great site for an affiliate who runs a website as an amateur, or as a side business, but it lacks the full spectrum of tools and services that would make it the best system for a fully functioning website looking for an all in one web-based advertising solution agency.

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expert in selling group buying tools
Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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