Commun.it Overview
Commun.it is an all in one Twitter and Facebook dashboard that’s going to take your Twitter insight and use to the next level several different ways. The bottom line is that if you use Twitter for your business, or if you have clients that use Twitter for their business, you can’t go wrong with Commun.it’s services. In fact, Commun.it can probably make your life a whole lot easier by not only saving you time, but enabling you to tap into your Twitter universe using both hands so you can create powerful relationships, thank your brand ambassadors and influencers, get more clients and followers, and know exactly who you should follow (and even unfollow).
It’s easy to get addicted to Commun.it because there’s such a wealth of information readily available the moment you start using it. If you’re the type of marketer or entrepreneur who hates it when others take advantage of you, then you’re going to start immediately unfollowing those who have unfollowed you. On the same token, you’re also going to start appreciating and interacting with those who mention your Twitter handle and retweet your content.
Commun.it is stuffed to the very top with all of the Twitter and Facebook analytics you’ll ever need. The fascinating thing is that you’ll immediately notice how both Twitter and Facebook have left you bereft of this vibrant data that can take your social media relationships to the next level. So you can build stronger relationships with your best fans and customers, while at the same time spending a lot less time on social media, so you can ultimately create more content and build a stronger business one way or the other.
If you’re frustrated because you spend hours each day posting on social media, then Commun.it’s post scheduling is not only going to save you a ton in productivity, but will better enable you to plan breakthrough social media campaigns so you can brainstorm an entire week (or months) worth of content, saving you a ton of headaches and freeing up your schedule.
Commun.it Advantages
Everything At A Glance – The moment you login to Commun.it and view your dashboard, you’ll secretly wonder how you’ve been getting along thus far without it. You’ll also realize that the Twitter universe is much larger than you ever thought, and you’ll have more appreciation for every follower, prospect, and person who retweets or mentions you and your business because it’s all blatantly “in your face” and impossible to miss.
Twitter On Steroids – Who are your top followers? Who’s mentioning you right now? Who should you thank? All of these variables are so easy to miss if you’re using Twitter without Commun.it, which can ultimately make you neglect your top followers and influencers. When using Commun.it, all of this intelligence is right before your eyes, so you can take advantage of powerful insights that are so easy to overlook otherwise.
Stop Getting Taken Advantage Of – Have you ever secretly regretted following your competitors after they follow you, because you have a sneaky suspicion that they’re immediately going to unfollow you in return? If this type of “cat and mouse” game is causing you to lose hair, then this one feature alone is going to be worth a million bucks to your confidence and reassurance, because Commun.it watches your followers like a hawk and lets you know the moment someone deviously “unfollows” you, so you’re never getting the worse of the exchange. Best of all, you won’t have to spy on your Twitter followers like a nervous wreck because Commun.it does all of the heavy lifting (and constant spying) for you.
Commun.it Disadvantages
Not Many Integrations – What Commun.it does it does well, which is focus on the automation and management of Facebook and Twitter. That being said, if you’re looking for the integration of other social media profiles such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+ and YouTube, then Commun.it might not be your top choice.
First Payment Plan Only Allows 1 Twitter Profile – It’s true that the Commun.it payment structures are absolutely affordable, however, it’s important to note that the first payment plan only allows you to attach 1 Twitter profile. So, if you have multiple Twitter profiles, or otherwise manage Twitter profiles for your clients, it’s worth nothing that you’ll need to upgrade to a higher Commun.it pricing plan to accommodate your needs.
Competition – Commun.it offers a beautiful Twitter dashboard that empowers your ability to interact with your prospects, influencers and brand ambassadors like a dream come true. That being said, their lack of connectivity with other social media platforms (other than Facebook) truly opens the door to competition. So, is Commun.it perfect for your business, or are you better off looking elsewhere? Continue reading this 100% transparent review for a better look.
Commun.it Features
Mention Tracking – Sure, it’s easy enough to find out who’s mentioning you by using Twitter on its own. But the problem with that, as you know, is that it’s so easy to get distracted, especially if you’re already following thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of other profiles. Commun.it makes it dead simple to see exactly who is talking about you and your brand, without drowning in the seemingly infinite sea of content out there.
Retweet Tracking – So you can see at a glance exactly who is retweeting your content, so you can not only build massive rapport with your top followers, but so you can make sure that you’re following (and thanking) everyone who helps spread the word about your business.
Track Multiple Profiles – If you’re a digital marketing agency of one form of another, then you’re going to love the ability to connect with multiple accounts. Commun.it then becomes the central hub for all of your Twitter accounts, enabling you to cut the clutter and finally build massive rapport and relationships without getting confused or overburdened.
Everything At A Glance – Who should you follow? Who are your top fans? What new opportunities await? The moment you access Commun.it, you’ll have an abundant wealth of information at your fingertips, so you’re never left guessing what’s next.
Twitter List Management – The problem with Twitter lists, as you may know, is that they’re so difficult and, daresay annoying to manage on Twitter itself. With Commun.it, you can finally harness the profound power of Twitter lists, so you can follow the exact people you want, figure out what your competitors are doing, and even neatly organize all of your top customers and fans in one fell swoop.
Schedule Content – Have you ever banged your head against your keyboard because trying to develop content in real time can be a nightmare? Finally, the nightmare is going to end because you can easily schedule content well ahead of time, so you’re never left trying to be clever at 3:00 in the morning and instead can plan your content well ahead of time.
Hammer Down On Abusers – Face it. The world isn’t all peaches and cream. That’s why Commun.it allows you to instantly spot those trying to take advantage of your generosity by following, and then unfollowing you (after you follow them of course). If you’ve ever lost sleep because all of your supposed “fans” abandon you the second you follow them just so they can boost their following count, this one feature is going to worth the price of admission alone.
Engage With Your Top Supporters – Not only will Commun.it allow you to “snuff out” abusers, you’ll also be able to showcase your appreciation for your top supporters, brand ambassadors, and people who just love your style. So you can figure out who to thank, and who to unfollow, without crunching any numbers or hovering over your laptop like some kind of social media kook.
Bond New Connections – One of the coolest features that Commun.it is the “who to follow” widget, which is available on your main dashboard. This widget allows you to actively seek out the top people who you’re not following now, but should be. This is based upon a few factors, such as your own interests, followers, tweets, all compared to potential people and brands who might make great strategic allies.
Identify Your Top Engaged Fans – You probably realize by now, that you have a collection of diehard fans, who are always going to support you. Stop neglecting these followers, because if you do have a diehard fan base, odds are, they’re on Twitter. You’ll never have to second guess who your top engaged fans are, because Commun.it makes identifying your top notch fans at-a-glance-easy, so you can message them, follow them, and thank them for their unyielding loyalty.
Commun.it Pricing
Commun.it pricing is largely based upon the number of Twitter profiles that you want to use. Other variables, such as the number of keywords and hashtags that you want to monitor, and the number of team members are also variables to consider.
Finally, you can save 25% off your price if you agree to an annual membership, or 30% if you agree to a two-year membership.
So, the first plan is called the pro plan, which costs $25.99 per month, $19.99 per month if you pay annually, and $17.99 per month if you agree to pay two years in advance. The pro plan allows you to connect 1 Twitter profile, grants a 3-day limit on your reporting, allows you to track 4 keywords or hashtags, and grants 100 weekly engagements.
Then there’s the business plan, which costs $40.99 per month, $29.99 per month if you pay annually, and $27.99 per month if you agree to pay two years in advance. The business plan allows you to connect 6 Twitter profiles, grants 60-days access to your reporting, gives unlimited tracking of keywords and hashtags, and also provides unlimited engagements. The business plan also allows you to have 2 team members, so if you want to provide an account to a virtual worker, you can do so with the business plan.
There’s also the business+ plan, which costs $60.99 per month, $49.99 per month if you pay annually, and $39.99 per month if you agree to pay two years in advance. The business+ plan allows you to connect 12 Twitter profiles, gives unlimited reports, unlimited keywords and hashtags that you can track, and provides unlimited custom groups and follower analysis. The business+ plan also provides 4 different accounts, so if you have several team members the business+ can accommodate them.
Finally, there’s the corporate plan. The corporate plan costs $374 per month, $299 per month if you pay annually, and $262 per month if you agree to pay two years in advance. The corporate plan is obviously the most robust, and offers unlimited reports, monitored keywords and hashtags, engagements, custom groups, and can analyze unlimited followers. The corporate plan also enables you to have up to 8 accounts, so if you have a fairly large team then the corporate plan is ideal.