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Now, i'm in eCom myself and I don't get this distinction. Finding hot items that sell well IS the purpose of drop shipping. So let's see what this course is all about and if there's any distinction with drop surfing.

I will say that I don't think Jared Goetz is a fly-by-nighter as he has been featured on and CNBC. However, just because you've been featured on an established website then create a course on what you do doesn't mean it gets an automatic nod.

Futher to that, his store was touted as the fastest growing Shopify store of 2017. In eCom, that's eons ago.

Anyway, let's take a look inside the course to see what you will get if I haven't lost you yet

ecom hacks

eCom Hacks, is a course presented by Jared Goetz himself, a very successful online entrepreneur.

Jared has an easy-going manner and doesn’t bore you with technical terms. He tells you what you need to know in a simple, no-nonsense way. The course content goes into detail about how to set up a successful e-com store, the “Dropsurfing” way.

He shares the following with you:
Jared covers EVERYTHING from A-Z on how to set up your first store – he even tells you which plugins to use!
Which products to look at, where to get them and how to deal with order fulfillment.
Jared’s tried and tested advertising and scaling method.
The course includes 24 hours and 18 minutes worth of videos. (This however is not the amount of time it will take you to implement everything. That will take weeks, so fair warning…)

There are 4 modules plus a bonus section.

Module 1 - Structure

ecom hacks academy
In this module Jared logs into Shopify to show you some numbers from his store. I imagine this was done for some kind of inspiration to keep you going. 

He then talks about successful products with an overview. Importance is placed on testing before finding that winning product - I'm sure you've heard of this before.

You will then be shown how to set up your store on Shopify, how to buy a domain, getting a phone number, payment methods, setting up your support email, meta descriptions and shipping rules. These basics are pretty much covered in all courses and can be found online for free. Nothing ground-breaking here.

Module 2 - Setting up Your Store to Convert

ecom hacks academy review
This is a fairly large section with about 16 videos. One of the videos talks about the $5,000,000 theme. This theme is called "Shoptimized" which is available for purchase at $167 for a single license (one store) all the way up to $597 for a 10 license option. 

Jared used this theme to make 5 Million dollars in sales but that doesn`t mean you will. The theme isn`t cheap but it`s focus is on conversions. eCom Turbo also focuses on conversions and it`s much cheaper - you decide if you`re looking for a premium theme.

Other videos in this section include`:

  • Abandoned Cart Email Sequence
  • FAQ Page Setup
  • One-Click Upsell
  • Customer Reviews
  • Free Shipping Bar
  • There`s quite a few videos on how to set up the Shoptimized theme and this will only help if you decide to purchase it. Otherwise, there`s full training provided for the other theme I mentioned above.

Module 3 - Products
In this module Jared gives you a high level overview of what you should be looking for in a product and then gets into specifics later on. 

Other videos show you how to add products to your store, where to find products and order fulfillment.

Module 4 covers the following:

  • From a Losing Product to a Winning Product in 6 Days
  • How To Setup Your Facebook Page
  • Setting Up Your Business Manager, Ad Accounts, and Page
  • Campaign Structuring
  • Facebook Ads 101 and 201 (by Jake Tenenbaum)
  • Different Facebook Ad testing methods
  • Scaling Strategies
  • Manual Bidding Strategies
  • Scaling Adsets Out To See Deeper
  • Custom Audiences, Look-a-Likes, & Intersecting

As you progress through the course, this is probably the Module where you have to pay the most attention. Likewise, it is also the module where you get the most information. It is a lot to take in and taking your time and working through the steps methodically, are essential to getting your Ad Campaigns right. Do not skimp on this module. You’ll probably have to go through it more than once.

As you would expect in the final module of a course, this is the most valuable and comprehensive module. It goes into much more detail than the previous modules and covers more advanced subject matter.

Compared to other dropshipping courses, this is the best module where FB Ads are concerned. It is certainly the most comprehensive.

BUT, be warned. Jared's bidding strategy is not for the faint of heart and is far from conservative. It is VERY aggressive, and you can end up spending $1 000 per day on a single ad...FYI, Jared has spent $60k on a single DAY. 

​Go big or go home, right? (Nope, Not for me, thanks.)


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expert in selling group buying tools
Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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