eComSpy can help you make smarter purchasing decisions by providing the details you need without the hours of research that typically go into gathering this type of competitive data. eComSpy can search, discover, examine, organize and report on thousands of SKUs in minutes, not hours or days. Super-fast, it is also deadly accurate. Your eComSpy report will include information about product rank, Amazon fees, whether or not Amazon is a seller, potential profitability data and much more. The intelligence provided by eComSpy includes all of the information you need to make better purchasing decisions.
This tool has the following features and functionalities:
- Product Tracking
- Product Database
- Profitability
- Niche Hunter
- Sales Estimate
- FBA Fee Calculator
This tool has full support for the following Amazon marketplaces:
- USA – amazon.com
- Germany – amazon.de
- UK – amazon.co.uk
- Spain – amazon.es
- France – amazon.fr
- Italy – amazon.it
- Japan – amazon.co.jp
- China – amazon.cn
- Canada – amazon.ca
- Mexico – amazon.com.mx
- Australia – amazon.com.au
- India – amazon.in
As an FBA merchant, you have one primary task:
Finding the right products to sell.
(And many secondary tasks, such as listing and shipping, pricing and managing inventory.)
and you’ll discover more bestsellers and items with sustainable margins.
and you’ll be stuck with aging inventory.
To find the kinds of products that will help keep your inventory turning profitably and you ahead of the competition, you need the right information, and you need it fast. Turn to eComSpy, your personal business intelligence agent, to gather critical data about new and used items on all Amazon marketplaces.
An automated market intelligence tool, eComSpy can answer the following kinds of questions:
- How many sellers are competing for marketshare on the Amazon marketplaces
- How many of those are FBA sellers
- What category the item is in
- How the item ranks
- Forecasted commissions and fees
- What kind of prices are being charged by competitors
- Estimated FBA fees
…and much more. If you supply your cost is for an item, eComSpy will even calculate your expected margins.
You come up with the list of UPCs or ASINs. Upload them with cost data, and choose whether to search for new or used items.
An enterprise-class business software tool, eComSpy quickly returns a report with the following data:
- ASIN and item title
- Model number and manufacturer
- Amazon product sales rank and category
- Number of FBA sellers and total sellers
- Lowest FBA price and lowest overall price
- Unit weight and whether the item is oversized
- Potential profit calculations
Use this information to make a better purchase decision. eComSpy can steer you toward products with higher margins and fewer competitors, and away from those with lower margins and a greater likelihood of just sitting in your FBA inventory, incurring charges.
Actionable Data
In the era of Saas tools and API calls, no one should rely on manual Internet research techniques. You need an app; in particular, a product research tool designed specifically for Amazon merchants like you.
eComSpy can search, discover, examine, organize and report on thousands SKUs in minutes, not hours or days. Super-fast, eComSpy is also deadly accurate.