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I've compiled absolutely everything I learned from Youtube, courses and my own experiences into this post. I'm doing this because I hope to help people on here, and also because I've got so many notes and this post is forcing me to put everything together, it's a win-win. Know that I'm a french Canadian, so I may make mistakes throughout the post.
Keep in mind that the methods of the post don't need to be applied at 100%, you can just stick to one and be just fine. 


The first thing you should do on Facebook is go to your Preferences and Interests, and remove anything related to Shopify or Dropshipping. You must do this because some advertisers will hide their ads from dropshippers, it'd be a bummer because this whole strategy is based on spying on what works.

When you're done with the first step, you can start notifying Facebook that you're looking for dropshipping ads. This is done by going on the Facebook search bar > typing stuff such as "50% off" or "Free worldwide shipping" > Clicking on "Videos" > Interacting with what you see

You should interact by liking, commenting, clicking on the ad, adding to cart, initiating checkout. Do this a few times a day and you should start being flooded by dropshipping ads after a few days.

When you see your first dropshipping ads on your feed, this is where the fun begins. You should now install the google chrome extension called "Turbo Ad Finder". It is free and will allow you to filter through your ads.

From this point, you will be flooded with potential products to sell, but a lot of them will suck. Refer to the product validation methods below to find what could work for you.

aliexpress dropshipping center
AliExpress Dropshipping Center

Find Potential Products to Sell in a Dropshipping Center Aliexpress is a great tool to do research. It’s big now as well, it was much smaller!

It includes three different tools to find dropshipping products on AliExpress. I’ll cover them all for you!

Let’s start with the first one called; “Hot Selling”

  • AliExpress Product Research: Hot Selling Products

This tool will show you all the hot dropshipping products in a specific niche (category).

You can even sort the products by delivery time and price.
And that’s not all! You will have way more sorting options: Ship From, Ship To and ePacket! Awesome, right? 

DS Price will be the price of the product with the discount from your level.
Orders & DS Orders. The first one is the total amount of consumer orders, and the second one is the number of orders from dropshippers!

  • AliExpress Product Research: Search by image

I think you can guess already what it does though.

You can upload an image of a product, and then it will search through AliExpress, finding products that look like the image that you uploaded!

For example, I uploaded an image of the famous cat lamp:

Do you see how awesome this is?

They show exactly the product that I uploaded! I even tried it a second time:

You just have to try out this tool!

  • AliExpress Product Research: Sponsored Products

The last product research tool inside the AliExpress dropshipping center is called; Sponsored Products.

I think you can guess this one already haha.

This will show products from AliExpress suppliers that probably paid AliExpress to be on this list. (I think so though, not sure!)


Ecomhunt + Spying on ads

I'm sure most of you know, but for those who don't, Ecomhunt is a "winning product hunter" which reveals new supposed winning products everyday.

Go on Ecomhunt and look for their older products, the ones from Page 30 to 90. Find products that may interest you.

Once you have a bunch of products, use an ad spy tool. The best one in my opinion is AdSpy, it's expensive but offers a free trial. There is a free alternative called BigSpy, but you will have limited searches each day.

If a product from Ecomhunt account is being advertised, great, keep it on the list. If it isn't being advertised, throw it out. Then, refer to the methods below to know if the product is a good opportunity.

Just looking at the first page already gives you some great ideas for products to sell on your dropshipping store!

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expert in selling group buying tools
Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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