What is Genei?
Genei is an artificial intelligence tool that helps you summarize articles & research papers, discover related articles, optimize note-taking, and highlights text for quick referencing. This tool analyzes your notes, highlighting important passages with helpful suggestions.
By using genei, you can master content faster and produce better quality work. Make genei part of your daily routine to discover new topics and creative insights!
Genei is a tool that uses natural language processing algorithms to help users extract valuable information from research papers and other content. It is available for both desktop computers as well as iOS or Android devices. Genei lets users navigate through text in notebooks, highlight the most important parts of these texts, and even share them with colleagues or peers while still being able to take notes on their own term paper or book chapter without having to use a separate app like OneNote.
Genei, an aplication developed by the team at Vignette, is a knowledge management tool that helps users take notes on the material they are reading. Genei uses a combination of natural language processing algorithms and algorithms for search and retrieval to help users extract information they can use to improve their notes and create a detailed outline of the content they have read. The application allows users to annotate their documents as they read them, adding highlights or annotations that help them easily navigate through their documents and find important passages later on.
Genei was released on June 20, 2014. It is currently available for both Android and iOS devices as well as numerous online versions at geneigenei.rtificial intelligence (AI) startup company, has built an app to simplify your reading workload. The AI research tool summarizes articles and papers so that users can review more material. Genei is popular with students, professional researchers, and AI enthusiasts.
You can try other tool at here.
GENEI's Vision - Make Artificial Intelligence Intuitive
Genei’s vision is driven by a desire to make AI technology available to more people. “One of our overarching objectives has been to democratize the use of AI, to make it more intuitive and more contextual…. We're proud of how users can understand and visualize how our AI is working and see where it's deriving its knowledge from. The long-term objective is for people to work in tandem with AI naturally and seamlessly,” said Moskalik. “We want to make AI accessible to an extensive range of people who may not yet have realized the importance of the technology; our goal is to make it easy to use and accessible.”
He noted that one of the company's main objectives is “to make using AI intuitive and accessible, rather than abstracted away in black box technology.”
Moskalik said Genei “worked in tandem with our customers from day one, which has helped shape our product both technically and through user feedback. Our approach at Genei is very much driven by the user, and we aim to unlock the potential of AI and make it easy for people to use.” [Genei] is built upon existing technology in the form of a “Mico-Visualization Environment (MVE),” which allows for users to visualise how neural networks are trained and generate insights in real-time. The Mico-Visualization Environment was developed by Genei’s research team over many years with support from Microsoft Research, now known as Microsoft Cognitive Services.
The company has partnered with leading companies, including Valtech (India), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and Baidu Cloud (China).
A Look Inside Genei
Summarise any webpage, or PDF, or article of your choice.
You might be a freelancer and don't have time to constantly improve your skills. You might be an employee who feels like they're falling behind on the latest trends. Or it could just be that you're simply curious what's new in the industry. Whatever your reason, it's important to stay up-to-date with changes in technology and business practices so that you can continue to provide value for yourself and/or your employer. In this post we'll cover how these changes are going to affect businesses, as well as how you can keep up with them yourself.
So let's go over the areas where you should be paying attention. Start by identifying the applications that you use on a daily basis, and then expand your research to include current trends and new developments within your field. Keep in mind that following these trends isn't just to increase your own knowledge base, it's also a good way to find new opportunities. Understanding how change is going to affect your area of expertise will help you make better decisions regarding what to focus on and where those changes are going to take place.
Alternative to: Remnote
Remnote is a free and easy-to-use note taking app that is specifically designed for coding. It offers two languages: Fortran and R. Users can easily input code in one language or the other, use snippets of code from the book R Programming: A Gentle Introduction, or enter their own custom code. Plus, it has a built-in IDE that will help you with syntax highlighting!
It’s easy t use: just select and add your code, and it will appear in highlighted colors. You can also choose to have the app run an entire cell or individual lines of code, import them from a directory, or copy them from another program including RStudio, R Commander, and RKWard.
Extract Keywords & Arguments, Generate Original Notes
Note: An analysis of arguments and the flow from them is usually the first step to understanding any given piece of writing.
Write a brief introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "".
Chain letters are the most well-known form of email spam, but they aren't limited to email. A chain letter is simply an email that goes around a group, often asking for money or promising great riches or something else in return for following its instructions. To keep it going, each person who receives the email forwards it on with their own request for money recipients usually either forward it back without reading it themselves or just delete it without reading because they're tired of getting spam emails in general.
Best Suited for: Researchers, Content Writers, Bloggers, Educators
If you have a keen interest in the particular subject and would like to know more about it, this is the website for you. The site is divided into 20 different topic sections with each section being further broken down into subtopics. Not only will this allow for more extensive research and study of topics that interest you but also provides an opportunity to discover various perspectives on a particular topic. Whether it is a term paper idea or simply something fun to learn, I highly recommend checking out some of these sites! Furthermore, if your work requires use of statistical data or graphs then be sure to check out their Data Visualization section.
Click any of the resources you’ve added, and on the right hand side you would see the AI-generated summary of the same.
It’s so simple… As easy, peasy as that!!
You can ask the Genei to recompute the summary if you’re not content with the one produced.
Clicking any particular section of the summary will take you to the respective section of the original resources you’ve added. You can edit the summary manually as well.
In the very next tab to the summary section, you can write down the notes, just like you would when reading a book.
Wait, we are not going old school here. Genei’s powerful A.I can also take notes for you.
Just select the paragraphs you’d like to add to your notes, from the resource & Genei will take care of the rest (where were you when I was in University?!)
Right after the notes, in the Keywords tab you will see the list of top keywords used in the source documents/articles.
The keyword section allows you to split the document based on keywords w.r.t date, time, country, organizations, people, etc.
With the search function (Ctrl/Cmd+F) you can find everything in the document with a semantic approach – Exact Match, Answer-to-Question Mode and Find Related Content.
You’d normally spend 10-15 hours researching, and summarize a particular topic… Or, you’d be paying $100 ~ $300 to a researcher to do that for you.
And that’s just for one article… just one.
Today, you can get lifetime access to Genei for UNLIMITED summaries for just $79/one-time.
You do not want to write your next piece of content without Genei.
Genei can summarize:
Articles, Blog Posts, Press Releases, Newsletters, White Papers, Books – any document you throw at it.
Grammar checker: If the first draft isn’t spic-and-span correct, Genei will point out to your the problems and offer suggestions for improvement.
Scheduling functionality: You can schedule Genei to work on your documents (such as when you’re away from your computer) and auto-retrieve all summaries till later. You can also schedule events in your calendar to be generated by Genei normally or manually. Automatic synchronization of summaries across multiple devices via Dropbox.
Rich-text editor: You can actually edit your summaries (and search) within the rich-text editor. It’s like a workbench for your content.
Graphic Comparison: Compare images side-by-side – and paste the image URL into the Genei search function to avoid tedious keyword searches.
Automatic PowerPoint import: Genei will save you hours of time by importing PowerPoint files into your custom metadata file, and then sync that across multiple devices - so that you can browse your presentations any time on any device/computer anywhere in the world. Automatic image search: You can search images by attributes such as date, author, size, ratings etc.
Email Summaries: Generate email summaries for you – highlighting the most important facts directly within your email.
Batch processing: You can batch-process your documents…simply by scheduling them all at once. Make Genei do all the work!
Automatic synchronization of summaries across multiple devices via Dropbox.
Genei is an artificial intelligence tool that you can use to summarize articles and research papers, discover related articles and optimize note-taking. It’s a tool that’s been built for those first-time users, and is perfect for browsing the web when you don’t have much time to read a lot of articles. You can use Genei to highlight text for quick referencing, but it’s also a great way to save articles and notes for later. Check it out on SaaS Mantra and see how it optimizes your workflows by taking back the time you need to read whole articles or stories.
Genei is an Artificial Intelligence tool to help you read. Genei is a great way to look for new articles or research papers that you need to read, but don't have time to read them all. This tool will summarize your favorite articles for you and show you related articles that are similar in nature. It means if you find an article that relates to what you're reading, go back and take a look at it a second time. You can think of it as your personal assistant who helps you find the best information and organize your reading list.
How Does it Work? behind the scenes feature: This tool uses the latest Artificial Intelligence technology (Machine Learning) to learn which articles are worth reading based on your previous behavior.