Local Listings Health Scanner
Find out the health of your business listings
Perform a completely free scan across 15 of the most powerful sites to find your business Listing Health Score. This tool also uncovers listing omissions and inaccuracies, and importantly, gives you a way to fix them.
Local Search Results Checker
See Google search results from any location
Just imagine if you could perform a Google search and see the localized results in real time, from any location. Good news: Local Search Results Checker does just that! Quickly and easily view Google or Google Maps search results, from any town or city, worldwide.
Local RankFlux
Be alerted to fluctuations in the local algorithm
Be the first to know about any changes to Google’s local search algorithm by signing up to our daily, weekly or ‘urgent only’ Local RankFlux alerts. This tool also allows you to filter and see local ranking fluctuations over time, by industry.
Google Review Link and Place ID Generator
The super-simple way to help grow reviews
The perfect tool to quickly grab the correct Google review links for your business. Want to grow your customer reviews? Simply copy the ‘Get More Reviews’ URL and include it in your post-sale communications. And, uncover the Place ID, Ludocid, and FID codes Google uses to identify your business.
Looking for Citation Builder pricing?
Citation Builder is a pay-as-you-go service.
Hand-pick the most relevant sites. Only pay for what you need.
Direct submissions start from just $2 per site.
Submit to individual aggregators for $5-25 per year or all 4 for just $60 per year.