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About Madgicx

Madgicx is a full-stack Facebook advertising platform that offers online business owners to manage their Facebook ad campaigns flawlessly using 7 Advertising Products in one powerful Platform.

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Their current module offers the following tools for clients to use:

1) Automation Tactics

Once you have created an ad set and launched your campaign, someone has to manage it whether it’s you or the ad agency you hired. 

But wait, Madgicx has created a set of Automation tactics and strategies as well. Actually, these strategies are created on the basis of industry experts and really these are proven to work and improve your Facebook Ads Performance.

So let’s see what automation tactics are being offered by Madgicx. 

  • Stop-Loss (Assets & Ad Level): Basically, it protects your budget simply by pausing the low-performing ad sets. Also, it turns the ads set back on to give it a second chance the next day. 
  • Surf: Here this one actually identifies strong performance trends and simply capitalizes on the positive momentum by increasing the ads sets budgets beyond any original limits. 
  • Revive: Revive mainly activates any of the pauses ad sets right at the moment it detects any kind of positive activity when it finds out the ad set has become profitable again. 
  • Sunsetting: Sunsetting monitors the performance over time in order to identify all the under-performing ads sets. And it also protects your budget over time by taking some serious steps. 

2) Bid Testing

Actually, it’s a scaling strategy to improve your performance. Using this feature you can just run Bid campaigns in order to find what’s your best-performing bid is. You can have all the data thereafter launching your bid campaigns also you have the option to choose b/w manual and automation bidding settings. 

3) Creative Cluster

Here creative clusters analyze creative combinations that are based on the elements of the merged ad. Simply by discovering, analyzing and also comparing other creative clusters, here, you will be able to find out the single ad element that literally drives high performing ads. 


Also, you can just use the creative clusters in order to easily analyze winning creative factors and also compare clusters as well. 

4) Mass Creation

Using Mass Creation you can just launch 100+ AI-based Audiences like you can create a new audience based campaigns easily with the help of this feature. It lets you build a full-funnel targeting strategy.

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And once you launch all these campaigns, just let these campaigns compete right against your account setup.  

5) Automated Reporting

With the help of this feature you can simply automate the agency reporting that generates reports directly right to your clients. Also, the report can be shared directly to your inbox on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. You can set the timing and on which basis you want the reports delivered to your inbox. 

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Since Facebook ads are their target niche and Facebook has fundamentally transformed the way they market, the developers of Madgicx are committed to providing quality performance and customer satisfaction as they unite all the knowledge, skills, and technology required to succeed with Facebook Ads under one automated execution platform. 

Madgicx Facts & Figures

The facts & figures for any business itself speaks volumes about how good (or bad) they really are. Here are a bunch of facts and figures about Madgicx that you should know about to have an idea of their outreach, reputation, goodwill, and performance.

Pricing Plans Of Madgicx

What’s interesting to note here that Magidcx has not put together any “Fixed” pricing package for their clients. Though that doesn’t mean their services are all free. It’s just that they do not offer their packages in a “Tabulated” form. Which is actually a good thing!

magicx studios staten island	CONCLUSION

All in all, Madgicx is a complete package that can help you efficiently leverage your Facebook remarketing to gain more conversions from those who have already demonstrated an interest in your site.

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Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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