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Mangools vs Ahrefs

Discover the ultimate showdown between Mangools vs Ahrefs! Explore the features, pricing, and pros and cons of these powerful SEO tools

If you're looking to enhance your SEO visibility, investing in premium SEO software is essential. However, there's a significant challenge: the market is flooded with many SEO software options.

Even if you narrow your choices to just two solutions, making a decision remains daunting. The purpose of this comparative article is to assist you in making that decision.

We have conducted an in-depth comparison of two leading SEO software options. In other words, if you need help deciding between Mangools vs Ahrefs, you've come to the right place.

What is Ahrefs?

Logo and a brief description, 'What is Ahrefs?

Exploring Ahrefs: A Comprehensive Overview

Ahrefs is one of the most extensively utilized SEO software options for marketing professionals globally. It aids businesses of all sizes and across various industries to enhance their SEO visibility and their positions in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Ahrefs' initial focus was primarily on acquiring backlinks rather than much else. However, over time, Ahrefs has integrated numerous additional functions. In this comparison between Mangools and Ahrefs, we will explore some of these added features.

Ahrefs Advantages and Disadvantages

While Ahrefs comes with a multitude of benefits, it has its drawbacks. Here are the primary advantages and disadvantages of using Ahrefs:

Ahrefs pros

  • A comprehensive suite of SEO tools.

  • Robust backlink analysis capabilities.

  • Exceptional filtering and sorting options for both backlink and keyword results.

  • Particularly effective for precise keyword research.

Ahrefs cons

  • The user interface may need to be more user-friendly for beginners.

  • It tends to be on the expensive side.

  • It does not provide daily updates for keyword rankings.

What is Mangools?

Mangools logo and a brief description, 'What is Mangools?

Discovering Mangools: A Closer Look

Mangools offers a variety of SEO features, initially starting as a keyword analysis tool for SEO. However, it has recently expanded its SEO suite with new tools. These additional tools in the Mangools SEO suite include SERPWatcher (for monitoring SERP rank tracking), LinkMiner (for backlink analysis), and SiteProfiler (for SEO audits).

The brand has shifted its focus from developing new features to improving the accuracy and reliability of its data. It has also concentrated on adding more functions to enhance the overall Mangools SEO software.

With both software options introduced, it's time to compare Ahrefs and Mangools. We'll start the Mangools vs. Ahrefs comparison by examining the backlink analysis feature.

Pros and Cons of Mangools:

Mangools Pros:

  • User-friendly interface.

  • Cost-effective pricing (Free trial for 7days).

  • Robust position tracking tool with daily ranking updates.

  • Relevant keyword suggestions.

Mangools Cons:

  • Need to include some essential SEO features.

  • Keyword usage limitations.

  • Smaller link database compared to competitors.

Ahrefs vs Mangools: Backlink Analysis

A backlink graph with 'Ahrefs vs Mangools: Backlink Analysis' as the header

Ahrefs vs Mangools: Delving into Backlink Analysis

Obtaining backlinks can be a challenging task, but it yields significant results. Backlinks are among the key factors Google considers when ranking web pages. A robust backlink acquisition strategy can help you outperform your competitors in search engine rankings.

Ahrefs: Backlink Analysis

Ahrefs' Backlink Checker is considered one of the best link audit tools. This tool provides a comprehensive overview of a website's entire link profile. It operates similarly to other link analysis tools like Moz Pro and Semrush. You enter a URL, and it presents you with all of the links associated with that site.

So, how does Ahrefs' Backlink Checker stack up against other link analysis tools? Firstly, Ahrefs' Backlink Checker offers robust filtering options to refine and organize search results. This feature is crucial; for example, if you want to examine the inbound links pointing to a popular website like NerdWallet, using filters makes it effortless. We appreciate Ahrefs' Backlink Checker's search filtering and categorization feature; it saves you much time.

Another advantage of Ahrefs over Mangools is its extensive and constantly updated link database. You won't have to worry about outdated backlink information with Ahrefs.

Mangools (LinkMiner): Backlink Analysis

Mangools' link audit feature is called LinkMiner, primarily designed to provide details about your competitors' links, allowing you to replicate their link-building strategies.

However, LinkMiner needs its link index, which is its main drawback. Instead, it sources its link data from Majestic's backlink index. 

Here's a brief overview of how LinkMiner operates. You start by entering a domain name in the search bar and clicking "Find backlinks." If you want the tool to display multiple backlinks for a referring domain, you can unselect the 'One link per referring domain' checkbox. The results will show domain data points such as the total number of referring domains, overall links, trust flow (TF), and citation flow (CT) next to the search bar. Below, you'll find the backlinks data, displaying the examined domain's details and key attributes.

In addition to domain analytics like trust flow (TF) and citation flow (CF), LinkMiner also provides information on link text and link strength (LS), a metric created by Mangools to assess a link's strength. Link strength considers various factors, including trust flow, citation flow, Do/NoFollow attributes, referring domains, and other data points. The link strength rating ranges from 0 to 100, with higher ratings indicating stronger links.

Which Tool is Better?

Ahrefs' Backlink Checker is undoubtedly one of the top link audit tools. When comparing Ahrefs and Mangools, Ahrefs excels in this area. LinkMiner provides limited backlink details for each site, whereas Ahrefs' Backlink Checker offers a comprehensive view of a site's entire backlink profile, including backlink properties, top webpages, trend graphs, top anchor texts, link types, and more. 

Overall, Ahrefs' link audit feature is a valuable software asset.

Keyword Research Tools: Ahrefs vs Mangools

Interfaces with 'Keyword Research Tools: Ahrefs vs Mangools

Keyword Research Tools Face-off: Ahrefs vs Mangools

Whether creating content, optimizing your website, or working on any online project, having the right keywords is essential for ranking well in search engine results. But which tool is more effective for keyword research? Let's explore and compare the keyword research capabilities of Mangools and Ahrefs.

Ahrefs: Keyword Research

Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer excels in providing detailed information about specific search queries. However, it needs to improve when suggesting new search queries.

While Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer offers many keyword ideas, many of these suggestions may be unrelated to your original search term.

One strength of Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer is its SEO competitor analysis feature, which helps you identify your competitors' top-performing SEO search queries.

Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer is particularly adept at identifying search queries where a website has a strong SERP position and estimating the traffic generated by those queries.

Like Ahrefs' link audit feature, this tool allows you to refine your keyword search results using filters, making it easier to pinpoint search queries containing specific phrases or words, having a particular difficulty score, or appearing in featured snippets.

Mangools (KWFinder): Keyword Research

Mangools offers KWFinder as its keyword analysis tool. KWFinder provides both traditional and competitive keyword analysis functions and excels at identifying long-tail search queries with lower keyword difficulty scores.

KWFinder generates an extensive list of keyword ideas with keyword difficulty ratings, search volume data, and other relevant keyword metrics.

On the right side of the keyword column, you can see the difficulty rating for your initial keywords, a trends chart and monthly keyword search traffic data.

Additionally, KWFinder offers a SERP overview option, allowing you to see which web pages currently rank on the first page of Google for your selected keyword.

To get started, select KWFinder on the dashboard and click "Search by domain." Enter your competitor's domain name in the search bar and click "Find Keywords." You can then view competitor keywords and key data points such as keyword difficulty ratings and search volumes.

Which Tool is Better?

If your research involves in-depth analysis of specific search queries, Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer is an excellent choice. However, if you need a tool to help you discover new search queries to target, Ahrefs may only partially meet your needs.

Mangools' KWFinder is sufficient for analyzing SEO search queries, although it offers fewer keyword suggestions than Ahrefs. Nonetheless, most of the suggestions you receive from KWFinder will likely be relevant to your primary search term.

Position Tracking

Results page (SERP) with 'Position Tracking' highlighted as the main topic.

Tracking Your Position: A Vital SEO Aspect

Tracking your position in search engine rankings is crucial for staying ahead of your competitors and dominating your industry. It ensures you're on the right track and allows you to take necessary actions for improvement.

Ahrefs: Position Tracking

Ahrefs' tool for monitoring SERP positions is called Rank Tracking, which functions similarly to other keyword position checkers. You input a set of search queries and discover their positions in Google's SERPs. Additionally, you can monitor the changes in your SERP rankings over time. 

However, a drawback is that this tool doesn't provide daily updates like some other position-tracking software. The frequency of SERP position updates depends on your chosen subscription; for instance, with the Ahrefs Lite plan, your keyword positions are refreshed weekly, which may be better.

Mangools (SERPWatcher): Position Tracking

Mangools offers a keyword position checker known as SERPWatcher. To initiate position monitoring with this tool, click "SERPWatcher" in the dashboard, leading you to the tracking tab. On this tab, you need to specify your location (country), domain, and platform (mobile or desktop) and input the keywords you wish to monitor. 

You can enter these search queries individually or upload a file in text or CSV format containing all the queries you want to track. Depending on your subscription choice, you can track positions for 200, 700, or 1500 keywords daily. Once you've entered the tracking details, click the "Start tracking" button.

Which Tool is Better for Position Tracking?

When comparing Ahrefs and Mangools, both offer accurate reporting of your SERP positions. They are effective at tracking your rankings in Google's organic search results. However, Mangools' SERPWatcher stands out with its user-friendly interface, while it's unfortunate that Ahrefs Rank Tracker doesn't provide daily updates.

Customer Review: Mangools vs Ahrefs


Steve C on "I started using Mangools years back, thinking it would be just a second set of eyes to verify what other keyword tools were telling me. But the more that time goes on, I've started to realize that Mangools' features and functions are amazing and even ahead of the competition. And they have been releasing new capabilities that keep them ahead. Moreover, usability (aka UI/UX) is better on Mangools than any other tool I've used. Everything just makes sense when you use it. This is not easy to do, so I have to assume that Mangools is the product of a really skilled and dedicated team that knows what people need."

Maciej Czudżak on "Good SEO multitool! Mangools is great SEO set of tools at the right price. We use it for internationl keyword research and it's base is suitable for our needs. There's a data for trends from couple of years and for us it's a game changer."


Maciej C. on "Good and easy to use SEO tool"


Kyle Davies on"Ahrefs has decided to punish loyal customers by canceling legacy accounts. The very people who helped increase Ahrefs brand over many years. The 15% is a lie, a few legacy accounts with close to no activity over the years are being cancelled. Ahrefs should have communicated an issue with the user base and worked with its customers to come to a productive and fair solution for all. Time to move to an alternative now."

Ata on"Lite plan gets you nowhere! It gives you some basic tools to work with while the most useful stuff that are provided as a standard by other companies is deliberately locked behind more expensive plans. Which makes Ahrefs difficult to use long term. Back then they used to provide most of these features for $99/mo users. I don’t see myself using Ahrefs long term. There is no reason to pay 99 dollars a month and not get these features. Evidently, people aren't happy with these changes!"


Pricing Plan

Let's now delve into the subscription pricing structures of Ahrefs and Mangools. Analyzing these pricing plans is essential to determine which software offers better cost-effectiveness. So, let's evaluate the various packages Mangools and Ahrefs offer.

Ahrefs Pricing Plans

Ahrefs provides four packages, with monthly costs ranging from $99 to $999.

All packages share the same core features. The key differentiator lies in the volume of data you can access for each feature.

For example, you can track 750 keywords with the Lite package, while the Agency package allows you to monitor 10,000 keywords.

Keyword monitoring is available in both packages, but the Agency plan provides fifty times more data than the Lite plan.

This pattern holds true for other features such as keyword research, SEO website audits, and link analysis.

All packages offer identical functionalities, but the higher your investment, the more effectively you can utilize the capabilities of each feature.

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Mangools Pricing

Mangools' subscriptions start at $49 per month for the monthly payment option.

Here is the current monthly subscription cost breakdown for Mangools:

  • Mangools' Basic plan: $49 per month

  • Mangools' Premium plan: $69 per month

  • Mangools' Agency plan: $129 per month

Mangools offers a 40% discount on every package if you opt for the annual payment option.

If you're new to Mangools, begin with the 10-day trial period before subscribing to the Basic package.

One drawback of Mangools is the limitation on data access. There are restrictions on keyword searches and suggestions and limitations on the number of websites, SEO rankings, and competitor search queries you can perform. Opting for Mangools' Agency package is necessary to leverage the software fully.

Comparison Table





Comprehensive SEO tool suite

SEO tool suite with a focus on keyword research

Keyword Research

Extensive keyword database, accurate data

KWFinder for keyword research, long-tail keywords

Backlink Analysis

Robust backlink analysis tool

Limited backlink analysis capabilities

Site Audit

Site audit tool for on-page SEO issues

Basic website analysis


Suitable for advanced users

Beginner-friendly interface


Higher price point

More affordable pricing plans

Target Audience

Larger websites, businesses

Smaller businesses, bloggers,


As mentioned before, whether you choose Mangools vs Ahrefs, each has its strengths and weaknesses. Ahrefs offers many features, but newcomers may find it overwhelming initially.

However, the advantages far outweigh the initial learning curve once you become familiar with the software. Ahrefs stands out in the industry with its unparalleled backlink checker and competitor keyword analysis functions.

On the other hand, Mangools is not only user-friendly but also budget-friendly. Its user interface is excellent, and you can start your SEO activities without requiring extensive guides.

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Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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