What the heck is OnCrawl?
OnCrawl is a web-based, data access automation software focusing on technical SEO solutions to help businesses better understand which informations are important and, how they can use it to improve positions, organic traffic, ranking and search engine results.
Similarly, OnCrawl helps brands to identify HTML errors as well as issues with linking structure and content – all the nasties that can send a brand into a nose-dive in Google’s ranking.
OnCrawl is a data-driven website crawler and log file analyser that can deliver a daily ‘health check’ of your onsite SEO status.
OnCrawl provides detailed SEO data and analysis on a daily basis for optimal SEO performance – and is suitable for all types of websites, whether you work in-house or in an agency.
What does OnCrawl do?
OnCrawl offers three main ‘solutions’ to SEO’s:
- SEO Crawler
- Log Analyser
- SEO Impact Report
SEO Crawler
OnCrawl’s easy to use SEO crawler monitors the indexability of your content on a daily basis.
You can use the insights provided by the crawler to improve the quality of your content – analysing for uniqueness and richness as well as highlighting duplicate content.
The crawler also provides information on page load speed across your site, helping you deliver the best user experience.
You can also track your internal linking structure and the click depth of your most important content, making sure your money pages are high up in the site architecture.
Log Analyser
By analysing your log files you can gain an understanding on how Google, and other bots, interact with your website.
Discover the crawl frequency of each of your pages and review the inactive URLs that may need attention.
As OnCrawl crawls and analyses your site on a daily basis, the Log Analyser can let you know what status codes are being returned to bots each day – so you can see where the 404 ‘dead ends’ are and if there are any server issues e.g. 500 errors.
SEO Impact Report
The SEO Impact Report combines the crawl and log files to give you a clear overview of your page structure – identifying exactly what Google is crawling and how often.
This allows you to detect ‘orphan pages’ and see the impact of crawl frequency on SEO visits.
How much does Oncrawl cost?
There are four different subscription packages available for OnCrawl:
- Pro
- Business
- Ultimate
- Premium
Pro – €39 per month
With the Pro package you can crawl 100,000 URLs each month on one website – so is designed for bloggers and webmasters who run just one website.
Business – €199 per month
The Business package lets you crawl 500,000 URLs across 10 websites – perfect for small agencies or in-house SEOs running several internal domains.
Ultimate – €299 per month
The Ultimate package comes with the capacity to crawl 2,000,000 URLs per month across 50 websites.
Premium – €1900 per month
If you want a high level of access to the tool for big data projects, then the Premium package will crawl 10,000,000 URLs per month across 100 projects.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started with this platform, I am a huge fan of DeepCrawl – their platform is something I have used for a long time and I have all my clients in the platform with automatically crawls and I can quickly see differences. This part I haven’t tested yet and maybe next month when my credits refresh I will crawl a smaller site and put it onto auto recrawl and see what that feature is like.
While Deepcrawl may be prettier and produce nice looking graphs for you – it doesn’t actually let you interrogate the data, or not to the same level OnCrawl does. Would I switch from Deepcrawl to OnCrawl? It would have to depend on what comparison analysis you get.
Would I recommend OnCraw? Happily – I kind of wanted to write this article saying “it was a good attempt, nice bit of software but doesn’t come close to DeepCrawl” but I can’t and the more I use the software the more I am becoming an advocate for the platform.
I will update this next month once I have done two crawls of the same URL and see what comparisons are reported.