The best aspects of Panguin
Panguin is a tool that shows you complete details of your website’s past ranking. It is a free tool but the features it provides are quiet impressive and profitable.
Organic visibility
It shows you the website’s organic visibility on the search engines of your choice and also the regions of your choice. You can compare your rankings with your competitors and manage your SEO investments. It also allows you to create competitor reports that compare you with them without any limit. Additionally, it gives you information about the trends of the past 5 years.
Paid Visibility
With Panguin, you can compare your website’s ranking before and after investing in Search Engine Optimization. You can get the most out of your investment in Search Engine Optimization. It also provides the facility of creating competitor reports. Also, it shows you the past 5 years of history of trends.
Visibility Encryption
It allows you to encrypt pages and monitor your highly ranked pages from an SEO perspective. It protects your pages 24/7 and generates alert if any hack attempt or malware attack is detected. This protects your insights from third parties.
Global Insights
You can view the ranking of your website and your competitors in different regions and compare them. You can find keywords used internationally. You can see the regions where your services are most appreciated. This will help you gain new and interested viewers.
Optimizing Search Keywords
You can gain new visitors and expand your market by optimizing your keywords and monitoring their impact. You can change and edit keywords any time you want depending on their impact. This way you can gain more traffic.
Content Performance
Panguin enables you to emphasize your content by providing you with a ranking of your content performance before and after optimizing it to the fullest. You can take the opinions of the experts about your content and improve it accordingly.
Onsite Link Optimization
This feature is the main highlight and shouldn’t be taken lightly. This tool allows you to interlink your pages with one another and compare their ranking with respect to each other. This way if a viewer sees a related topic on-site, he is more likely to visit more of your pages.
Optimization of Backlinks
You can analyze the backlink structure by this feature. The link is very important for your website. You can analyze the backlink structure and their aptitude before and after optimization.
Local Ranking
Local ranking is getting much more important day by day. You can check your local business rankings and impact of Google Algorithm Updates on your local results. It’s the most useful feature for any local business.
Mobile Searches
Panguin enables you to keep a track of ranking of your website in mobile searches. You can make improve your strategies to excel in that too. And it also allows you to compare your results with your past rankings and your competitor’s rankings.
Optimization through Social Mediums
You can check your popularity on Social Media platforms through it. You can also find public reviews and get publics opinions on content betterment. You can also compare the statistics of your competitors to improvise.
Here’s a brief overview of how Panguin works
The working structure of Panguin never interacts with your Google Analytics data. Instead, it uses an industry-standard protocol like OAuth 2.0. Panguin uses databases and mines out information about the impacts and effects of updates made to the algorithms of the Google search engine. It analyzes the data and determines what changes are required to rank your website higher. You can also study changes made to Google’s algorithm in the past years through this tool. Every update is mentioned in detail.
Here are the steps using which you can work with Panguin:
- Open the website and click on “Use for Free” if you are using it for first time. It will direct you to enter you Gmail id and password.
- After you enter your credentials, Google will ask you if you want the tools to access your information, Click on “Allow”.
- In choose your profile page, Click on “Panguin Tool”. In the list below, you can click on any link that you want to examine.
- Clicking on a link will direct you to its analytics page where you can examine the progress in detail.
Evaluating the tool
Its positive points in Panguin’s favor include:
- Easy to Learn: Panguin is a user friendly and easy to learn tool. It has almost every feature that you need in an SEO tool.
- Economical: This tool provides a free trial of up to 3 months before they start charging for their services. That is a great attraction for local and startup businesses.
The Panguin SEO tool might have many advantages but like any other tool, it is not perfect. It also has some disadvantages and demerits.
- Not a trusted source: Although, Panguin is an excellent tool for SEO, it is a third party application. We know that third-party applications do not have a high degree of control. They are not the ones you can count on especially in competition with Google Analytics.
- Lack some features: Although, Panguin is a great tool that gives good results in the free version, it is not the best tool for SEO. There are some other more compatible and paid tools available in market.
Final Verdict
The overall performance of this tool is satisfactory according to critics and users. It is best suitable for websites of startups as its free trial lasts for 3 months. You can invest that money in activities such as marketing. It gives you time to stabilize your business before you start paying for SEO tools.