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By creating a well-structured campaign that’s fully optimized for your offers, you can still pick up traffic from as low as $0.01 CPC, but it’s gonna take a fair bit of work on your part to find the sweet spot that results in high earnings per click (EPC) and conversion rates (CR) for your campaign.

There’s a couple of ways you can go about this.

  • You can set aside a budget of let’s say $1,000 per ad group per campaign and test every available combination of campaign objective, targeting options, creatives, ad copy and placements you can find to see what’s working in your niche.
  • You can take the smart route and use Facebook Ads Spy Tools to save yourself unlimited time and money.

This will ultimately give you the ad intelligence you need to borrow ideas that you can apply to your own offers and allow you to set up your own KPIs for your campaigns.

Facebook Ad Spy Tools will help you to gain perspective over the whole advertising landscape and give you a new level of understanding and awareness about what is going on, right down to the granular level.You can even follow your competitors’ campaigns to discover which landing pages they are using in which GEOs, what their sales page copy looks like and even assess the quality of their products and customer service.

In short, they give you the advantage to analyze every aspect of your competitors’ strategy, so you can find your own comparable strategy and beat them at their own game. You can borrow ideas, see what’s working long term and what’s trending right now, all of which can be used to create your own unique campaigns that establish your own unique position within the marketplace. This ability to reverse engineer competitor campaigns is a shortcut to success and will even help you to discover new offers and design opportunities you may not have thought of yourself. You’ll be able to study what kind of content your competition is posting, what CTA’s and links are being used and how well the audience engages with different kinds of content on the ad.

All of this gives you an incredible advantage in your own campaigns. Don’t be afraid to go deeper down the rabbit hole when using this strategy! 

In many ways, Facebook Ads Spy Tools are like a gateway into a whole new world of discovery but don’t expect them to do everything for you! It’s still up to you as an internet marketer to find your own unique angles through in-depth research that will set you apart from the crowd.

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What is AdSector

AdSector is another great tool that you gonna love! AdSector is a premium spy tool offering downloads of the detailed analytics of your competitor’s advertisement campaign. It contains all features that a standard spy tool possesses. AdSector is one of the best Facebook ad spy tools for anyone looking for precision in their ads.

With Adsector, say goodbye to the fruitless guesswork of shitty traditional SMM as you get steered into the current winning marketing strategies. Get an instance access into your competitors’ backstage. See how the rabbit is put into the hat.Receive loads of real time data and break them down towards; finding the right offers, creating messages, graphics, and videos that convert like clockwork.

Adsector is an advanced SMM software providing proprietary filtering functions, market interest targeting, and a download of data in form of landing pages, ads, and images.The filtering feature include a dropdown option list of; filtering by affiliate networks, filtering by interest, filtering by tracking system, and filtering by name.The dynamic search engine brings such options as search by gender, feature, age, position, and country to keyword research operations.

Adsector brings together almost all the essential SMM tools to help you minimize budget. The spying features are effective and easy to use thanks to the intuitive interface drawing your customers close to you like a magnet.Adsector doesn’t waste time securing the right spend for your money and fetching a high returns on your social media team’s investment.It makes sure you deploy only the most successful campaigns by opening you up to the right offer and engaging your team with a powerful tracking system.

Why you want Adsector

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Answering the question; who should use AdSector? I’d recommend it for anyone to learn, improve, and grow businesses faster with social media. This tool is used by today’s most serious affiliate marketers who plays the “think long-term” game like wizards. The in-depth analytics of Adsector is a useful feature for helping affiliate marketers generating a listing of current most-selling products and the top brands/highest paying affiliate programs.

Also It paves the way for sourcing for appealing images, videos, and landing pages to dropshippers. Both startups and seasoned.

Finally, agencies with a small to no team automates searches based on intents, generate all the working ideas and materials for clients-fetching ads on autopilot, create personalized database from thier big data storehouse, and develop ads and keep them running with little attention.

Adsector Features

  • Detailed analytics
  • Demographics
  • Ad reaches
  • Social media interactions
  • Weekly trends
  • Topnotch search engine
  • Cutting edge cross-filtering features
  • Personalized database creation
  • Landing pages download

What can I do with AdSector?

  • Access database of over 6 million ads from 15 countries (US, CA, GB, AU, DE, FR, NL, NO, SE, IT, ES, BR, BE, PT, IN)
  • Find campaigns promoting E-commerce shops or Affiliate offers with a SINGLE click
  • See Cloaked money pages (AdSector is only tool that can effectively bypass cloakers)
  • See campaign’s FULL targeting information (from demographics to interests)
  • Download landing pages straight from the interface with a single click

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Highly Granular AdSector Search Mode/Filters to Find Relevant Converting Ads

  • Searchable Date Range: I like searching for ads in the Last 7 or 30 days to get the most relevant ads. If you’re searching ads from months ago then the offer may not be available anymore, or the niche may be too saturated.
  • 3 Powerful Search Modes:
  • Keyword: Promoting dog products? Then type in dog, pets, french bulldog, etc. You’ll see your competitors for the dog niche.
  • Advertiser: If you have your competitor’s URL, plug it here, and you can see a lot. Try this one for yourself.
  • Publisher: You can get some inspiration on how other affiliates are promoting this.
  • Sort by Feature: This is the icing on the cake. What’s the point of finding all 1,000 ads that your competitors are running?
  • Countries: As of Jan 2018, they have 15 popular T1/T2 geos and are expanding it over time.
  • Type: You can choose to only show “Image” or “Video” ads.
  • Position: Some affiliates only do “News Feed”. You can omit right-hand side ads with this if you want.
  • Gender: Useful feature if you are in a gender-specific industry (e.g. beauty/muscle)
  • Relationship/Age: Useful for certain verticals but I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
  • Affiliate Networks: You can search what affiliates are promoting on a network. For eComm, it would be useful for select “None” to ensure you’re getting the non-CPA ads.
  • Tracking System: You can get AdSector to return your ads that have a tracking software in their funnel, like Voluum/Thrive. That would increase the probability of getting ads that are promoted by CPA affiliates. For eComm, select “None”.
  • eCommerce Platform: This is useful for the eComm dropshippers. Select “Shopify” and you’ll see what the top eComm guys are doing.

Quick Tip: You can select more than one in each of these fields (e.g. If you want AdSector to return you ads that are on Shopify and Magneto platform, include both.)

Example with AdSector: Baby Niche

Jane is passionate about the baby niche and wants to build a Shopify store around it.

She fires up AdSector and searches for the “baby” keyword.
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Can you see a problem?

Adopt a Newborn Baby?! – Not every baby Ad is relevant to Jane.

Jane wants to get more specific and find products that she can sell.

Jane can use the search/filter options to get more relevant results.

Here’s what I use:

  • Sort by: Running Longest
  • Position: News Feed
  • Country: USA
  • Affiliate Network: None
  • Tracking System: None
  • eCommerce Platform: Shopify/Magento

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Now Jane has relevant results for researching her next baby product.

She can also tell by the social proof (likes / comments / shares) that they’ve been running for a while.

This means there’s a high probability that it’s making money. (No one runs ads for a long time if it’s losing money).

There are ton of filters you can mix and match to get other results.

These alone should get you started on finding your competitors’ best ads.

Can you start to see how powerful this is to speed up your campaigns & research process?

Detailed, Uncluttered & Intuitive Search Results
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Unlike other spy tools, I don’t have to manually open each Ad just to see more detailed information.

From the search results, I can conveniently:

  • Play/Download my competitor’s Video Ads & send it to my media buyers for inspiration
  • Get a birds-eye view on the engagement level for each ad
  • Favourite/bookmark ads that I like for quick access. Pasting each link on an excel sheet can get really messy over time.
  • See their whole ad copy
  • Etc.

That’s a huge time saver during my initial research phase.
When I find a really good Facebook ad, there are a few things that go on my mind:

  • What’s their entire funnel like? What landing pages? What offers?
  • How long have they been running?
  • What kind of engagements are they getting?
  • What is it that makes them GOOD?
  • Etc.

AdSector kinda helps answer those questions with what I’ll be showing you next.
Comprehensive Breakdown of the Entire Funnel (w/ Analytics)
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Guys, that’s almost the entire funnel on one page. The ads, the angles, the landing pages and even the offers.

  • Understand their entire funnel and see which areas I can imitate/innovate on.
  • 1-Click Download their landing pages. This may not be useful for eComm owners but highly beneficial for CPA Affiliates to 10x their process.
  • Navigate to the original Facebook ad post. Read comments to gain some insights. Are people complaining that it’s too cheap? Or product doesn’t work as promised?
  • Sort all their landing pages by “Running Longest” to see which worked best for them.
  • Check their outgoing URLs to find which CPA offers they are promoting.
  • And other more advanced stuff…

Everything on one page just makes my research super quick and simple w/o any extra software. 
Within that same ad breakdown page, AdSector provides us with even more comprehensive analytics.
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I wouldn’t want to dive too deep into this due to obvious reasons  
In general, you can see the social engagements, ad reach, trends across the week, and what countries they are heavily promoting on.
And… the interests that they are targeting – Honestly, I don’t know how accurate these analytics are, but it forms a good baseline for your research.
Hopefully, this review kinda shows you guys how much of an advantage AdSector would provide for your Facebook campaigns.

What we love AdSector:

  • You can filter by interest to give you an understanding of the intent of the ad and even search page content to uncover eCommerce platforms and sales funnels.
  • Would this be good for newbies?
  • It depends.
  • If you are low on budget, this can be considered expensive. I would recommend you increase your cash flow first before getting this.
  • Don’t be one of those guys that spends $500 a month on servers / tools and then you have no budget to run traffic.
  • But a tool like this will significantly cut your learning / campaign time down a lot. If you’ve never ran a campaign before then it would be beneficial to see what profitable funnels look like.
  • It has made my life 100x easier and faster with the competitive intelligence.

What we don’t like AdSector: 

  • Expensive: It’s one of the most expensive platforms on this list, but it’s hard to say whether the additional features justify the monthly cost.
  • It can be slow at times. The load times could be a lot faster.
  • The team is 100% anonymous. I have no idea who’s behind this tool.
  • Facebook spy tools don’t last long. Most of the tools last only a few months before they shut down for whatever reason.


Use the promo code mobidea and get a $74 discount.

Final tips for a successful competitor analysis
In order to make full use of this potential, it is key to ask the right questions from the very beginning:

  • Which group are your competitors targeting? Generally, your company and your competitors will share the same or a very similar target group. Analyzing your competitors’ ads gives you the opportunity to define your target group more clearly, and potentially discover entirely new target groups.
  • Which kinds of ads do others use? Videos, pictures, carousel – which ad types do your competitors bet on, and how successful are they?
  • Which keywords do they use, and at which success rate? Check out which keywords your competitors are using and create your own leaderboard accordingly.
  • What is the interaction rate for various ads? Which ads get the most Likes, Comments, and Shares? And why?
  • Which objectives does your competitor’s ad campaign pursue? (For instance, generating leads)

Additionally, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Consider strengths and weaknesses: When analyzing your competitors’ Facebook ads, don’t just focus on the successful ones. Be sure to also have a look at their failed strategies, and learn from their mistakes.
  • Be inspired, not a copycat: Definitely don’t just copy someone else’s Facebook ads. The goal is to find inspiration in the successful efforts of others, not to blatantly replicate their work.
  • Remind yourself of your company’s individuality: Despite all similarities you might see between your company and your competitors, remember that every company is still a unique enterprise. Consequently, what works for your competitors might not be what’s best for you, and vice versa.

With all the work you’re putting in to analyze your competitors’ ads, don’t forget to continuously assess and optimize your own ad campaigns. The Facebook Pixel provides all the necessary information to stay on top of your campaigns.

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Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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