Spin-a-Sale, which is produced by the Spin-a-Sales team, is a powerful marketing assistant for all Shopify e-commerce store administrators to effectively generate sales and email lists by providing various interactive email pop-ups. With Spin-a-Sales, you are enabled to replace the standard subscriber pop-up with many more interesting, fun, and eye-catching pop-up templates for your visitors, which can not only attract more visitors but also as a tool to instantly gather their contacts. This application allows you to display a special prize wheel for customers that you are able to customize. Once the email address is filled in, the prize wheel will spin around so that customers can get a random discount code. On top of that, you can clearly identify the exact discount you want to give out and how often every each coupon code is provided. Feel free to control its look by changing all texts and colors to match your website style. Especially, when an act of trying to move away is performed, you can set the exit intent triggers to be presented. This useful tool works well in any devices such as desktop, laptop, phone, or even tablet. Provide your potential leads with various unique coupons now and get your sales boosted by installing Spin-a-Sale!
Highlight features
- Customize the information related to the prize wheel and its appearance
- Provide the exit intent trigger which is also available on mobile devices
- Add a tab icon or pop-up of Spin-a-sale
- Preventing users from sharing coupons with automatic unique coupon
- Join your subscribers to your Shopify customer list for future email service
From $9.99/month. 10-day free trial.