- 1. What is Google Analytics and what does it do
- 2. How to find Unique monthly Visitors in Google Analytics
- 3. Understanding the data information from your google analytics account to improve your website's performance
- 3.1. Overview
- 3.2. Users
- 3.3. Visitors
- 3.4. Traffic Sources
- 3.5. Top Landing Pages
- 3.6. Visitors Flow
- 3.7. Bounce rate
- 3.8. Time on Site
- 3.9. Mobile Traffic Summary
- 3.10. Conversion Rate
- 3.11. Average Conversion Rate
- 3.12. Goal Performance Report
- 3.13. Goal Performance by Category
- 3.14. Goal Performance by Day
- 3.15. Goal Performance by Unique Page Conversions
- 3.16. Goal Performance by Device
- 3.17. Sticky Content Report
- 3.18. Top Goal Pages Report
- 3.19. Top Goal Visits Report
- 3.20. Top Goal Pages by Conversion Rate Report
- 3.21. Goal Performance by Source Report
- 3.22. Goal Performance by Period Report
- 3.23. Goal Performance Report
- 3.24. Goal Performance by Source Report
- 3.25. Goal Revenue Report
- 3.26. Goal Conversions by Source Report
- 3.27. Goal Conversions Report
- 3.28. Top Goal Pages Report
- 3.29. Unqualified Traffic Report
- 3.30. Unqualified Visitors Report
- 3.31. The Bottom Line
Google Analytics is a web analytics application that enables website owners to monitor their site's performance. It tracks all aspects of website usage including things like traffic sources, language settings and demographics of respondents. If you're looking for ways to improve your site's performance then Google Analytics can help!
If you're looking for ways to improve your site's performance then Google Analytics can help! It tracks all aspects of website usage including traffic sources, language settings and demographics. Providing you with vital information that you need to make decisions about your web strategy. If you want the most accurate data provided in a simple way then choose Google Analytics today!
What is Google Analytics and what does it do
As a website owner, you might be wondering what tools there are to help optimize your site's performance. Google Analytics is just one tool that helps you better understand how your audience interacts with your website and identify opportunities for improvement. With the "Audience" tab, review data like demographics (like age group), language settings, regions and browsers being used by visitors to make sure these attributes meet the needs of who you're trying to reach on your site. Your "Traffic sources" report will show where traffic coming from other sites or search engines is coming from. You can use this data to create ads that drive more traffic back to your site through close matches in content targeting based on keywords used in requests for advertising. Analyze the traffic coming from individual sources and compare that data against the goals you have set for your business. You can use this data to identify opportunities for improving your site's overall performance by targeting your website to specific groups and refining your ad copy, creating relevant content and revising pages so that they're more engaging with visitors.
Determining who you're trying to reach on your site is key in creating effective ads. Ads are effective only insofar as they're relevant to the interests of the audience you're trying to attract. For example, if you're trying to advertise a product for children under the age of five, use keywords related to your target audience. If you're trying to attract visitors in the 18-to-34 age group, then use popular words and phrases that will appeal to that group. Use Google Analytics' Site Explorer tool to see which pages are getting the most traffic and which can be improved upon for better site performance.
As a website owner who wants to send people back to your site after they leave it, ask yourself what message is being sent by the content on your site. Use Google Analytics' Site Explorer tool to find out who your best return visitors are and serve up more relevant content that appeals to them.
To better understand how your site is being used, use the Clicks, Bounce Rate and Time on Site reports in Google Analytics. The Clicks report will show you which pages are getting the most traffic based on requests coming from search engines and other websites. This data can be used as a starting point for creating ads for different topics. The Bounce Rate report will show you how many one-time visitors get bounced off your site after they've landed on it. This data can be used as a starting point for improving your site by removing articles or content that's not attracting enough traffic. Use the Time on Site report to see how long visitors spend on your site. This data can be used as a starting point for creating new content that's engaging to your audience in the form of videos, podcasts, e-books and other interactive content.
Improving the performance of your website isn't just about creating interesting content or optimizing the look and feel of your site. It's also about making sure you're sending helpful information to visitors instead of confusing messages and links that send them off. Reconsider what kind of information you're providing on each page, from images to text and links. Look at the words in your copy and make sure they're clearly written so visitors understand what you're saying. Keep your site's navigation and menu structures simple so that visitors are able to find the information they need quickly and easily. You can also use Google Analytics' Site Explorer tool to see which pages on your site are providing the most engagement. This data can be used as a starting point to improve on areas that aren't attracting enough traffic from one-time visitors.
How to find Unique monthly Visitors in Google Analytics
Once you know your monthly unique visitors it will be easier to optimize your website and marketing strategy. In this session, we'll show you how to find the data in two different places: the Audience Overview section and the All Traffic section. Scroll down to find out more!
Find monthly unique visitors with the Audience Overview Report
The Audience Overview report is a consolidated snapshot of the key metrics that are important to your site according to Google Analytics. This report is located under the Behavior section in your Google Analytics and it will give you a lot of great information about your audience. If you click on "Audience" you'll see that there is a table on the right that includes a number called "Users. This is the number of unique users that visited your site during a given month. The information below each chart tells you what the % of that user is that is out of the total users.
Most people will have this number displayed as "Users" and some may have it displayed as "Unique Visitors". When you click on "Unique Visitors", you'll see where to find the data about your unique visitors. Here's what it looks like in our analytics account:
This number is displayed along with total pageviews and average time spent on your website. These three metrics form an important combination that can help you understand the effectiveness of your website content and how well it resonates with visitors from different parts of the world.
Here are some of the things you can do with this report:
Analyze your audience. To get an even greater level of detail for your audience, go into audience reports (http://www.google.com/analytics/reporting/audience) and choose "Audience" from the dropdown in 'List' menu, then go into "Audience Overview" and pick a date range. This will give you a combined view for all users visiting your site in that time period to provide a lot more insights about your site's visitors and demographics. This report will include the following sections: Demographics, Behaviors, Traffic Sources, and Pages by Visit.
Detailed information about the audience. For additional demographic and behavioral information, go into "Audience Overview" and choose "Detailed" from the dropdown in "List menu. You'll see a new set of charts with additional columns like any other GA report. You'll still be limited to 1 million rows (people) but you can filter your data by gender, age range (18 – 24, 25+, etc.) and even how they found you (end of page / direct linking to your site).
Direct access to your audience. If you want to go into the details of a specific user, this report will give you that information. You can access these "custom reports" from the "Custom Reports" dropdown in "Audience Overview." This report includes the following: Demographic and behavioral data, plus traffic sources, pages they viewed and more.
Find monthly unique visitors with the All Traffic report
Go to All Traffic > Behavior > Site Content > All Traffic and click on the "Visits" tab. Then click the "Date Range" dropdown menu and select "Last 30 Days" (or whatever date range you're using for your traffic report). Add "Unique Visitors only" to the Filters list. Click the orange Sort icon next to Unique Visitors, once again in the filter list, and Sort descending (the icon will be blue - not red).
This will give you a table of all your traffic over the past 30 days by unique visitors and then by traffic source/medium (you'll have to enable this feature to see your organic search traffic).
You can scroll down the page and click on that blue Sort arrow once again and move it to the right. This will give you a legend table with the "Visits" number in red, "Unique Visitors" blue, "Pages/Visit" green, and "Time on Site" orange.
Take a look at the last column - Visits - as this is your unique visitors number. You'll see how it added up for each of your traffic options: organic search (blue), social (orange), and direct (green). You will now have your unique visitors number for the past 30 days.
We'll focus on the "Visits" number in this article since it's the most straightforward and will let you find your unique visitors in two ways: by total monthly visits or by unique monthly visits.
Here are those numbers for our website:
The "Visits" number is a combination of pageviews, average time on site, and bounce rate. It will give you a great understanding of how people are engaging with your content and website. If most of your visitors are bouncing, you should consider things like:
Do these visitors have the right meta title and meta description tags?
Do they have a compelling call to action in the header or footer?
Is the website's structure clear? (i.e., does it guide people from start to finish with ease?)
There are many different factors that can influence engagement, but these questions will help get you thinking about what your unique visitors want when they come to your site. It's important to understand this data because it will help you make informed decisions about how to optimize your site.
Understanding the data information from your google analytics account to improve your website's performance
Vanity metrics are the least of your concern when you really want to know how well your website is doing. The truth is that you need a lot more insight into what's happening with unique visitor google analytics to your site on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Until now, knowing where in Google Analytics it lives didn't make locating that data easy enough for most people. That's why we created this guide to show you where it hides and provide actionable tips and tricks for all webmasters who want better utility from their analytics account.
Vanity metrics are the least of your concern when you really want to know how well your website is doing. The truth is that you need a lot more insight into what's happening with visitors to your site on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Until now, knowing where in Google Analytics it lives didn't make locating that data easy enough for most people. That's why we created this guide to show you where it hides and provide actionable tips and tricks for all webmasters who want better utility from their analytics account. The goal of this guide is to make Google Analytics useful to webmasters by giving them not just information, but answers. It isn't about showing you what your visitors are doing, it's about showing you how to make them do what you want.
Google Analytics works on a very simple principle. It reports only on actions that users take when they are on your site or app. The fact that they are on your site or app in the first place is made up of a bunch of factors that Google Analytics can't control, like search engine optimisation. Instead it focuses on one thing – what people do once they get there. All the data that Google Analytics reports on is either directly or indirectly affected by your users. Your website generates a lot of traffic, but does it convert? The data you need to tell that story is in Google Analytics. If you want to know how many people visit your site, how long they stay, where they come from and who they are, you need Google Analytics.
But with over 100 different reports available within Google Analytics there's a lot to go through. Anyone who has tried to use it knows that it's hard to find exactly what you're looking for and even harder to work out what any of it means. Sometimes the reason for this is because you don't have the right reporting tools activated. Google Analytics can be used to report on everything from the number of visitors you get to your site and how much time they spend there, to what pages they spend the most time on and whether or not they went anywhere else from your site. It's possible to use Google Analytics for all of those things, but it can also give you a lot more.
Before we go any further we need to talk about what each of the major Google Analytics reports do. There are different ones for different things and many of them overlap in their aims. Some reports are very narrow and have one main purpose, others have multiple purpose and are available in several different ways. Here's a list of the ones we'll be discussing in this article, along with what you can expect to see and how to find them.
This report is the only one that is available both on the website and via mobile. It gives you a quick overview of your site's performance. The main three things it shows are traffic, conversion rate and top content. Traffic lets you know how many visitors your site had over the month (or other time period) that data was collected for. Conversion rate is broken down into two categories: overall and browser or device level if you have AdSense enabled. The last thing is top content. This is a list of the most popular pages on your site, where they rank and how many visits they had.
What you can expect to see: Whether or not your site is supported by Google Analytics, this report will show you that it's available in the web interface. It will also tell you if the data was measured on desktop or mobile browsers (desktop) and display how many devices or users accessed your site in total, use a desktop browser or if AdSense was enabled.
Why it's important: If you have AdSense enabled this report can show you both top content and what pages are most popular across your entire site. This means you can see what pages are getting the most traffic, as well as where that traffic is coming from. The mobile version of this report contains only one metric: the number of visits to your site from mobile devices.
In this report you'll learn more about your users than ever before. A Google Analytics user can be anyone who visits your site from any browser or on any device. This includes people who have enabled ad blocking software, people with private browsing enabled, people who use incognito mode and more. If they visited your site then they're a user and they're included in these statistics. It's important to know that these numbers probably aren't completely accurate, but they're a good place to start.
What you can expect to see: Users lets you know how many people visited your site and (depending on whether or not you have AdSense enabled) how many of those people turned into users. This means we can see that 69% of the total visits recorded are from people who have opted-in to Google Analytics (i.e. from registered users). It will also tell you if users viewed your site from a desktop, mobile or tablet device, as well as the operating system they used for each one. Not only that but it will show you the number of new visitors who visited from search engines, emails and "other" (this includes social media platforms and other similar things).
Why it's important: This report gives you a clear indication of how much traffic you've received, as well as where it came from. It also tells you how many people are visiting your site for the first time and whether they came to your site by searching for something or via another method. This means it's a great way to find out what kind of content people are interested in on your website. It's also a good way to find out what content is bringing in the most new visitors for your website.
If you're just interested in getting a basic understanding of how many people are visiting your site, this report is probably all you need. It doesn't break any of the data down into categories or provide much information about each visit, but it does offer some interesting insights.
What you can expect to see: The Visitors report shows you how many people visited your site, broken down by day with nothing else shown (such as location or browser used). It will tell you the total number of visits (both unique and overall), as well as the number of returning visitors and new visitors. The report will also tell you the total time spent on your website (by all users) over the date range selected.
Why it's important: This report gives you a clear understanding of how many people visit your site, how many new people visit your site and how long they stay for. This means it's a great way to find out what content is doing well for your website and where people are spending most of their time.
Traffic Sources
The Traffic Sources section is one of the most important things to check when you view Google Analytics regularly, because it'll show you exactly where people found your website from. This can be anything from a search engine like Google or Bing, to an email campaign or social media platform.
What you can expect to see: Each report here is a little different, but each one gives you information about visitors by the source they arrived from. This could be one of your existing marketing campaigns, or it could be someone who found your website through an email link or other website's link. Each report that appears will show you how many people visited from that source and the number of new visitors.
Why it's important: The Traffic Sources section is super important because it'll show you where people are coming from to visit your site. It's a great way to find out what kind of traffic works best for your business and whether or not specific marketing campaigns are bringing in the right types of traffic (or any traffic at all).
Top Landing Pages
The Top Landing Pages section is exactly what it sounds like. It shows you exactly which pages people are landing on when they visit your website, and how well those are converting. This means you can easily find what works best for your business and what doesn't.
What you can expect to see: This section will show you which pages on your site have the highest number of visitors and the most pageviews per visitor. You'll also see the bounce rate for each landing page, so you can tell if it's more likely that people are leaving your site directly after arriving or sticking around for a while. The ranking information also shows you which pages are getting the most impressions, so it's easy to tell if your recent changes (or a competitor's) are driving more traffic to certain pages.
What it means: Landing pages are one of the most important parts of any website. They're where a visitor enters your website from, and they're what shape their perception of your brand. When people visit your site from a specific landing page, that should indicate that they were interested in something specific and wanted more information or a product at that exact moment.
However, even though there were some calls to be responded to and other events/phrases that appeared on the call logs, these are not always always a reliable indicator of a phone number being used for spam-calling. Take the fifth one for example. Many of the calls from this number were missed by the person who made it. So, we can’t say for sure that it was used by someone who wanted sales leads or information more than anything else. Also, many of the calls from this number were made from a different area code than the one that appeared in web-browser calls. This makes us speculate that it was a call center that sometimes chose to use local numbers for its calls.
The bottom line is that it is impossible to predict which numbers are good and which are bad, for your benefits or not. You should trust our verdicts and filters, but you should not take any action based on them without checking things out first-hand. After all, experience matters in this kind of business!
Visitors Flow
This report will show you how people flowed through your website via the pages they visited and how they ended up leaving you. It's important to understand this data if you want to find out more about your visitors and their interests.
What you can expect to see: The Visitors Flow report shows you a timeline of all of the pages that people visited on your website. It will show you the number of visitors who "touched" each page, as well as the number (and percentage) of new and returning visitors. These are only based on people who have opted into Google Analytics, so it's impossible to know exactly how accurate they are.
Why it's important: Visitors Flow lets you see what pages people are landing on when they visit your site, as well as where they go and what kind of visitor they are (new or returning). This tells you a lot about your visitors and what they're interested in, which can be helpful in determining the best pages to target with your marketing campaigns.
Bounce rate
Bounce rate is one of the most important metrics out there when it comes to web analytics. It divides the number of people who visit a page by the number of visits to that specific page. When you divide your total number of pageviews by this amount, you get a percentage that tells you how "sticky" that particular page is (or isn't). So if people don't return after visiting one or two pages on your website then this metric will tell you why.
What you can expect to see: This report will show you the percentage of people who "bounce" off your website within a certain number of pages. It will also show you how many people returned to the same page before leaving for good, as well as the number of new visitors from that same source.
Why it's important: This is a great way to find out which pages on your site have visitors who don't return and why they're not returning. You can often use this data to improve your design and your marketing campaigns, understanding where visitors are lost and why they might be interested in spending more time with you.
Time on Site
The Time on Site report will tell you exactly how long people spent on your website once they were there. It'll show you the total number of minutes people spent on your site over the date range selected, as well as how many visitors were returning to your site after leaving for a while.
What you can expect to see: The Time on Site report will show you all the pages that people visited during the date range selected and how long each one lasted. This way, you can find out which pages worked best for people and why they're sticking around a little more than others. The report will also show you how many returning visitors there were and how long they stayed on your site, as well as the total number of new visitors so you can see who spent the most time with you.
Why it's important: Depending on what type of business you have, this report can be great for improving your sales funnel, telling you where people are spending most of their time and why they're doing it there. If a person leaves your site after spending a short amount of time on one page, then that might have been because they found exactly what they wanted or because the information was too detailed. It's important to understand these things in order to better serve your customers.
Mobile Traffic Summary
This report provides a summary of how mobile users are interacting with your site. It's important to know how mobile visitors are interacting with your website, as it can help you determine if they're having problems viewing content for any reason and what might be causing it.
What you can expect to see: The Mobile Traffic Summary uses the same data that's in the Desktop Traffic Summary report, but takes into account only people who have their phone set to allow access from their smartphone. This way, it shows you which devices are most likely being used when people visit your site from a mobile device (without tracking them separately).
What that means: Mobile users are important because they help determine where the market is at in terms of technology. If mobile users are coming in at a higher rate than desktop users or if they're sticking around longer on your site, then something is going wrong with the way you're presenting your content and it could mean that you need to change something.
Conversion Rate
The Conversion Rate report will show you how many people who visit your website actually buy something from you once they arrive on your site. It's important to understand if people have a problem buying from your website or not, so you can begin to make changes that will help improve conversion rates over time.
What you can expect to see: The Conversion Rate report shows you the number of people who visited your website from a specific source, as well as the number who converted from them (made a purchase). It will break this data down by conversion by source, showing you how many new and returning visitors converted on each page. It also shows you how many people started their shopping process (with an entry form or landing page), but did not leave with a completed transaction.
Why it's important: This report is useful for seeing where your conversion rates are dropping, which tells you what pages might be causing problems and what people are looking at when they visit the site. You can also see if people are sticking around on your sales funnel or not.
Average Conversion Rate
The Average Conversion Rate report will show you exactly how effective your conversion rates are over time. It provides a summary of the conversion rate for a specific date range, as well as the average rate over the whole recording period.
What you can expect to see: This report shows you the conversion rates over a specific date range, as well as how many conversions there were in total for each source. It'll also show you which pages had visitors who converted and which didn't (based on their source). This way, you can figure out what worked best for your business and what might not be converting at all.
Why it's important: The Average Conversion Rate report will give you a better idea of how people are converting on your website, as well as how your overall conversion rates are changing over time. This helps you determine which dates and times gave you the best conversions and tell you when it's a good idea to launch a new marketing campaign.
Goal Performance Report
This report gives you information about how well your goals are doing on your website. It'll show you the number of conversions each goal received, as well as the number of visitors and transactions that have taken place (depending on which goals those are). You can also see how many times people have engaged with your goals over the date range selected.
What you can expect to see: This report will tell you how many people interacted with your goals over a given time range. It'll show you the number of transactions and goal completions, as well as the number of goal pages. In addition, it will show you which pages had visitors who engaged with their goals and how many new and returning visitors there were.
Why it's important: Goal Performance tells you how much business is coming from each particular source, as well as which goals have given you the most results. This helps determine what work is paying off for your business and where to focus your efforts in order to get better results from your marketing campaigns.
Goal Performance by Category
This report will show you how well your goals are performing on the web based on the type of goal you're tracking. It'll show you each goal category and how many conversions (new and returning) have taken place for each one over a certain date range.
What you can expect to see: The Goal Performance by Category report shows you exactly which sources earned the most conversions, as well as how much more or less those sources are earning than others. It will also show you which pages had visitors who converted to a goal and which ones didn't, based on their source. You can get similar information in the Goal Performance Summary report, but with categories instead of sources to help make your work easier.
Why it's important: The Goal Performance by Category report helps you see how your goals are performing based on the kind of information you're tracking, helping you figure out ways to optimize your marketing campaigns. You can also get a better idea of which goals are working best and what strategies might be causing your campaigns to do poorly.
Goal Performance by Day
This report will show you how your goals fared at different points during the date range selected. It'll show total conversion rates for each goal, as well as individual conversion rates for each day in the range. You'll also see the total number of visitors and how many conversions there were for each day of the selected date range.
What you can expect to see: This report will show you exactly how each goal performed on every day, as well as the number of returning visitors who converted on each day. It will also show you which pages had visitors who engaged with their goals on that particular day, as well as how many new visitors they had from that source.
Why it's important: The Goal Performance by Day report is useful for understanding how your goals performed at any given point during a date range and what might be causing them to change in ways they don't normally do. This can help you make changes in your marketing campaigns so that they'll perform better in the future.
Goal Performance by Unique Page Conversions
This report will tell you exactly how your goals performed on a per-page basis. It'll show you how many people who converstioned on each page of the website, as well as how many new and returning visitors there were who did so. You'll also see individual conversion rates for each page, broken down by incoming and outgoing sources (if applicable).
What you can expect to see: This report shows you exactly which pages on your website were most effective at converting people to whatever goal was being tracked. It'll also show you which pages had visitors who converted on them and how many new and returning visitors there were (whether they were coming from that same source).
Why it's important: The Goal Performance by Unique Page Conversions report will tell you exactly what pages on your website are converting the most, as well as how people are getting to those pages. This way, you can determine if there's a specific page or feature that is converting better than others and what might be causing that.
Goal Performance by Device
This report will tell you exactly how your goals performed at different points based on the kind of device used to access your website. It'll show you the number of conversions that were made by people who used desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. It'll also show you the number of returning visitors that visited your site from each kind of device.
What you can expect to see: This report will break down conversion rates based on the device each visitor is using, allowing you to find out exactly what kinds of devices work best for different parts of your business. In addition to this, it shows how many new and returning visitors there were for each type of device during a specific date range.
Why it's important: The Goal Performance by Device report lets you know how different devices are contributing to your conversions overall. It's important to determine what's working and what isn't across all kinds of devices, as well as which pages are doing best and which aren't.
Sticky Content Report
This report will show you exactly how sticky your content on your website was, based on the number of visitors to it over a particular date range. It'll give you the number of visitors who came from a goal page and then returned to a related goal page, as well as the number of returning visitors that navigated from one goal page to another. It'll also show you how many new visitors came from each source (depending on whether you're tracking them separately).
What you can expect to see: This report will show you exactly how many people interacted with your content by returning and returning, as well as how many new visitors they had. It will also show you how much of your content is sticky (based on the number of visitors who engaged with it) and how often visitors from different sources return to that content.
Why it's important: Understanding what people are engaging with on your site can tell you everything about your business. This report tells you what kind of content is working best and where people are spending the most time on your website. You'll also be able to determine if your pages are doing well in terms of conversions, which tells you where to focus marketing campaigns.
Top Goal Pages Report
This report will give you detailed information about your top goal pages, showing you how many people visited each and how many they converted to a goal. It'll also show you how long people stayed on each page and what time of day they came from.
What you can expect to see: This report will tell you exactly which pages on your website are converting the most, as well as how long visitors stay there before returning or starting their shopping process. You'll be able to see what time of day people interacted with those pages and return visitors in order to get an idea of what's working best for your business.
Why it's important: The Top Goal Pages report is helpful for finding out exactly what pages on your website are doing right and where your customers are getting stuck. You can also see which pages convert best and which don't, giving you valuable insights into how to improve your overall marketing strategy.
Top Goal Visits Report
This report will show you how many people who visited your website did so from the top goal pages, as well as which pages had visitors in them who then purchased from you. It'll also show you how many visitors came from each of those pages, as well as their individual conversion rates by source.
What you can expect to see: This report will show you exactly which pages on your website had visitors that converted into purchases and how often these visitors came from each page. You'll also be able to see exactly how long visitors stayed on each page, as well as how many new visitors came from different sources (depending on whether you're tracking them separately).
Why it's important: The Top Goal Visits report gives you a detailed look at which pages on your website are converting people into purchases, telling you what clicks are working and what aren't. You'll also be able to determine which pages have the most traffic and what time of day they convert best. This will help inform your marketing campaigns and make sure they're working the best way possible.
Top Goal Pages by Conversion Rate Report
This report will show you exactly how well your goal pages performed when people who visited them converted to a purchase. It'll break down each page's conversion rate, including how many new visitors came from that source, as well as how many people who visited that page then converted into a purchase. In addition, it'll also show you which pages had visitors who returned on their own after visiting a related goal page (and then buying).
What you can expect to see: This report will show you exactly which pages on your website converted the best, telling you how many new visitors came from each page and the percentage of visitors each converted to a purchase. You'll also be able to see how much of your content is sticky (based on the number of visitors who engaged with it) and how often people from different sources return to that content.
Why it's important: The Top Goal Pages by Conversion Rate report is useful for understanding which pages are converting the best, as well as which ones are best at converting people into purchases. It's also useful for figuring out what part of your marketing strategy is working and what needs optimization.
Goal Performance by Source Report
This report will show you exactly how your goal pages performed when visitors came from different sources, based on the time of day they came from and total number of monthly visits to your website. It'll tell you exactly what kinds of visitors are coming to your site, as well as how many converts there were to each kind of page.
What you can expect to see: This report will break down conversion rates by source, allowing you to see just how much each source is contributing overall. You'll also be able to see how much each source contributes compared against others and over different dates and time periods.
Why it's important: The Goal Performance by Source report will tell you exactly what sources are contributing to your overall goal performance. This information can help you understand how to improve your marketing strategies if they're not performing the way they should.
Goal Performance by Period Report
This report will break down goal conversion rates based on the length of time that visitors stayed on your website. It'll tell you how many visitors were converted within a certain time and who those visitors were from. You'll also be able to see how much of each source is converting with between 100 to 1,000 visits over the period selected (if applicable).
What you can expect to see: This report will tell you how many conversions are made within specific time periods, as well as how long it takes your visitors to convert after they arrive on your website. You'll also be able to see the number of new and returning visitors who convert within different time periods and what sources those visitors are coming from.
Why it's important: This report will show you exactly when your visitors are converting and in what order, giving you valuable information about when your marketing campaigns should be at their most effective. It'll also let you know how certain sources convert over different time periods, which can help optimize your marketing strategy for each source individually.
Goal Performance Report
This report will give you detailed information about goal conversion rates, as well as which pages are converting the most. It'll tell you how many conversions each page had, as well as how many new and returning visitors they had from different sources (depending on whether you're tracking them separately). You'll also see the total number of conversions there were overall and their individual conversion rates.
What you can expect to see: This report will tell you exactly how your goal pages performed over specific dates, telling you how many people converted on a per-page basis. You'll also be able to determine which pages have more conversions than others and from what sources those visitors are coming from.
Why it's important: The Goal Performance report will give you detailed information about which pages on your website are converting the most, as well as which pages are doing best overall. This will help you determine what part of your marketing strategy is working and what needs optimization.
Goal Performance by Source Report
This report will show you exactly how different sources have contributed to overall goal conversions, based on the time of day they came from and total number of monthly visits to your website. It'll show you how many visitors were converted within a certain time and who those visitors were from. In addition, it'll tell you how much of each source was converting within 100-1,000 visits over the period selected (if applicable).
What you can expect to see: This report will break down conversion rates by source, allowing you to see just how much each source is contributing overall. You'll also be able to see how much each source contributes compared against others and over different dates and time periods.
Why it's important: The Goal Performance by Source report will tell you exactly what sources are contributing to your overall goal performance. This information can help you understand how to improve your marketing strategies if they're not performing the way they should.
Goal Revenue Report
This report will give you a detailed look at the revenue you generated from different sources, such as sales from certain products or from returning visitors who purchased a second time. It'll break down your revenue by source and by time of day. You'll also see the total revenue generated from each source and how much of it came during specific dates.
What you can expect to see: This report will tell you exactly how much money you made from different sources, as well as when people bought from them. It'll also show you which pages drove the most revenue from certain sources and how many new and returning visitors converted into those purchases.
Why it's important: The Goal Revenue report is useful for understanding what your business is doing overall, as well as what your pages are working best for. This report will also tell you exactly how much money each page on your website brings in. This will allow you to understand which pages are the most effective and where they should be promoted.
Goal Conversions by Source Report
This report will show you exactly how well your goal pages performed for each source of traffic, based on the time of day they came from and total number of monthly visits to your website. It'll tell you exactly how many visitors were converted within a certain time and who those visitors were from. In addition, it'll tell you how much of each source was converting within 100-1,000 visits over the period selected (if applicable).
What you can expect to see: This report will break down conversion rates by source, allowing you to see just how much each source is contributing overall. You'll also be able to see how much each source contributes compared against others and over different dates and time periods.
Why it's important: The Goal Conversions by Source report will tell you exactly what sources are contributing to your overall goal conversions. This information can help you understand how to improve your marketing strategies if they're not performing the way they should.
Goal Conversions Report
This report will give you a detailed look at the number of goal conversions that occurred on your website over specific dates, along with the revenue generated from those conversions. It'll show you how much revenue each source gave your company and when. You'll also be able to see the number of new and returning visitors who converted into these purchases.
What you can expect to see: This report will tell you exactly what sources are converting the most, as well as which pages are doing best overall. It'll also show you exactly how much money each page on your website brought in. This will allow you to understand which pages are the most effective and where they should be promoted.
Why it's important: The Goal Conversions report is useful for understanding how much money each source is bringing in, as well as what parts of your marketing strategy need optimization. It's also useful for comparing how much revenue different pages on your website are bringing in, helping you determine which pages are more valuable to improve overall.
Top Goal Pages Report
This report will show you exactly which pages on your website had visitors that converted into purchases and how often these visitors came from each page. It'll also show you how many visitors came from each of those pages, as well as their individual conversion rates by source.
What you can expect to see: This report will show you exactly which pages on your website were most effective at converting people into purchases, telling you what clicks were working and what weren't. You'll also be able to determine which pages have the most traffic and what time of day they convert best. This will help inform your marketing campaigns and make sure they're working the best way possible.
Why it's important: The Top Goal Pages report will tell you which pages on your website were most effective at converting people into purchases, giving you strong information about which clicks are working and what aren't. You'll also be able to determine which pages have the most traffic and what time of day they convert best. This will help inform your marketing campaigns and make sure they're working the best way possible.
Unqualified Traffic Report
This report will give you detailed information about how unqualified traffic performed on your website, including the number of visits, conversions and revenue generated. You'll also be able to see how much money each source contributed overall. The report will also tell you the average order value for each type of traffic and how often they purchase.
What you can expect to see: This report will tell you exactly how most other sources of traffic performed on your website, as well as which types of traffic convert the best. It'll also show you exactly what kind of revenue they brought in and which pages have more visitors than others. This will help inform your marketing strategy and let you adjust it accordingly.
Why it's important: This report will tell you exactly how other sources of traffic are performing on your website. This will help you understand which types of traffic are most valuable to your optimization efforts and what kinds you should improve. It'll also tell you how much revenue each kind of traffic brings in, as well as what time of day these visitors convert best.
Unqualified Visitors Report
This report will give you detailed information about visitors who came to your website but didn't convert into purchases, including the number of visits, conversions and revenue generated. You'll also be able to see how much money each source contributed overall. The report will also show the average order value for each type of visitor and how often they purchase.
What you can expect to see: This report will show you exactly how underqualified traffic performed on your website, as well as which types of visitors convert the best. It'll also tell you exactly what kind of revenue they brought in and which pages have more visitors than others. This will help inform your marketing strategy and let you adjust it accordingly.
Why it's important: This report will tell you exactly how unqualified traffic performed on your website, as well as which types of visitors convert the best. It'll also show you exactly what kind of revenue they brought in and which pages have more visitors than others. This will help inform your marketing strategy and let you adjust it accordingly.
The Bottom Line
Overall, Google Analytics can provide you with a wealth of information about the performance of your website and marketing strategies. If you're looking to improve your business, it's important that you have all the information available to you that will help you make informed decisions. Knowing which parts of your marketing strategy are working and which aren't is vital – and Google Analytics provides this data in a simple, interesting way.
In summary, Google Analytics does an incredible job at delivering all the necessary information about your website's performance, so that you can use it to make more intelligent decisions moving forward.