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What Is Virool?

Virool is a fast-growing company specialising in advertising videos in order to try to get videos into the public eye as far as possible. Here, we review them to see if they can actually live up to their claims.

viroolNotable present and former clients of the company include huge, multinational companies such as Sony, Intel, Pepsi, T-Mobile and Volvo. The business revolves around people paying the company to promote their video across numerous networks and platforms including social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+, well-known blogs and sites and in mobile apps and games as well as, of course, on YouTube. The video is played in an ad-format well known to website users.

Requirements for publishers to join Virool native video ad network

This ad network accepts

  • Sites/apps containing unique content
  • Sites generating natural traffic.

This ad network doesn’t accept

  • Under construction and incomplete sites
  • PTC sites and traffic exchanges

The sites must not

  • Have broken copyright laws.
  • Host pornographic and spam content
  • Promote illegal activities

The publishers must not

  • Use bots, PTC sites and traffic exchanges to generate fake traffic.
  • Click on their own ads or encourage others
  • Create multiple accounts

How does Virool work for you?

virool review

The advertisers would advertise their YouTube videos and this ad network delivers those videos to publishers sites/apps. You get paid when someone clicks and view the video.

Ad Formats

The publishers can have access to the following ad formats :

  • InLine
  • Vertical Reveal
  • InStream
  • Sponsored
  • Overlay
  • Social gaming

Note : Before adding ad code to your site / app you need to send your site’s screenshot.


The publishers get paid on request basis. The minimum payout is $100. The payment option is PayPal.

Final Conclusion

Virool is a great source to make money online. The rates would be fixed by Real time bidding system. Generally the videos are contextual in nature. The video ads would match your niche. The publishers who have tried this video native ad network can share their experiences below. You can also send payment proof. Hope this Virool review help publishers to get started.

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expert in selling group buying tools
Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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