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About The Watchlyst ‑ Price Alerts

the watchlyst

Most store visitors leave without making a purchase. Many are interested in buying a product but are not ready yet or find the prices too high. The Watchlyst is an effective solution to drive revenue by bringing back lost customers.

How it works?

  1. Setup in under 5 minutes. Your visitors see a 'Price Drop Alert' button on product pages
  2. Visitors specify their preferred price to buy the product
  3. The app monitors the price and as it hits the target the customer is notified with an email

Simple and Automated

After you install the app, you don't have to do anything else. Of course, you can customize the look of your button and match it with your website's theme. However, the app adds the button for you, captures leads, monitors product prices, sends email alerts, all while you watch new orders come in and continue to achieve your sales goals.

Never Lose A Sale Due To Bad Pricing

Price is a sensitive issue for consumers. Massive sales are lost because of bad pricing. The app reveals the willingness-to-pay point for each product to help optimize for maximum orders.

Capture More Leads

Driving traffic is not enough today, stores also need to capture leads to add to a mailing list. This app is an incredible lead magnet which makes collecting them ridiculously simple.

Measure Demand, Not Just Sales

Every store owner needs to know what items customers most want to buy. Use our dashboard to see product demand trends & quantities to order. Increase profits by knowing rather than guessing demand.

Send Emails Customers Love & Build Loyalty

Customers will love getting alerts from your site which are based on the products they’ve told you they want to hear about. Send 1:1 personalized emails and improve engagement.

Convert Old Stock Into Cash

Easily clear unsold inventory to customers who showed interest in the first place. Generate cash all while delighting the shoppers.


One of the biggest grips of online stores is the reality that most visitors to your stores will unfortunately not make a purchase—definitely not on the first visit. There should be a way to cope with these bounces, and, luckily, there is. It’s the Watchlyst Shopify app.

This automated solution shows price alerts to your visitors who aren’t yet ready to buy on the first browse. After you install this app, it does all the work, everything including:

  • Positioning the price-drop alert button on your store
  • Capturing leads
  • Keeping track of product prices
  • Sending customers email alerts

the watchlyst

Thanks to the Watchlyst, more visitors to your online store will end up converting.

  • Setup in minutes. Fully automated
  • Customize buttons, forms, and emails
  • Alerts at variant level
  • Dashboard analytics to track alerts, return visitors, conversions (coming soon), product trends etc
  • Import visitor emails in a CSV spreadsheet (coming soon)
  • Selectively hide price drop buttons for any product


7-day free trial


$5/month: unlimited alerts

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expert in selling group buying tools
Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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