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Develop SEO by webmaster tools

Ahrefs webmaster tools (AWT) is like google search console/searche consol but the difference is made by ahrefs. And ahrefs, everyone knows that this is a very powerful backlink checker website. Before that, checking the website's backlinks was charged. However, now ahrefs has free this searche conso tool for SEOers.

I.Advantages of ahrefs webmaster tools

1. There is no limit to the number of Websites you can add to Site Audit  google webmaster (For verified cases. Currently can be verified with GSC)

2. Open more limits for each website you add to Site Audit google webmaster.

3. Has Javascript Rendering feature  search console log in (previously this feature was for the standard version)

4. Verify though googles webmaster tools. Currently this feature is verifiable via google GSC. The Google Analytics and GSC data will be linked to the Site Audit section of the Dashboard for you and your team only, this data search console log in will not be shared with anyone else. Other data will be used for improvement. Advanced ahrefs CTR and Volume search google webmaster console features to calculate keyword volume and calculate click distribution in SERPs.

II. googles webmaster tools monitor website performance

-Determine what content google webmaster console can access on your website.

-Can submit new pages and posts to Google crawlers. Remove content that you don't want to be visible to users when they use search engines.

-Helps you segment and evaluate content for a more intuitive user experience.

-You can maintain your webmaster console   website without worrying about disrupting its presence in search engines.

-Allows you to discover and eliminate web search console problems related to malware or spam.

III.How to use ahrefs webmaster tools

Dashboard ahrefs webmaster tools

The dashboard shows an overview of the state of your website, where it displays the data and provides relevant web metrics and search analytics google webmasters blog.

• Report crawl errors: DNS errors, server connection errors, Robot.txt fetch errors…

• Search queries for impressions / clicks.

• New announcements, or recent incidents.

• Sitemap (sitemap): Number of urls submitted, number of urls indexed.

search console help analyze search traffic 

google webmaster tools seo search traffic analysis has a very important impact in content optimization. In addition to search analysis, here the tool also allows to see 2 other important metrics: backlinks and internal links webmaster tools search console 

With backlinks, you can easily check the quantity and quality of existing baklinks. If you find bad links, you can refuse to avoid because of it, your page will be demoted or penalized by Google. For internal links, the google webmaster tools keyword research tool allows you to see how many internal links the landing page has pointing to for additional information.

google webmaster search console Data collection

During the process of googles webmaster tools crawling the page, if it finds an error, it will send a message here. Note that, webmaster seo data collection statistics: In this place will specifically reflect each day the website has a high or low amount of information.

Above, Groupbuyexpert shares knowledge about google webmaster tools account and how to use ahrefs webmaster tool and googles webmaster tools. Thanks to that, your website will be optimized for search and improve ranking on SER.

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expert in selling group buying tools
Shafiq Armani
I'm Shafiq Armani, an expert in selling group buying tools. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry
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