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NativeAdBuzz group buy account - Reviews, Pricing, Discount with Coupon code | Easily analyze native ads and advertising campaigns

NativeAdBuzz group buy account - Reviews, Pricing, Discount with Coupon code | Easily analyze native ads and advertising campaigns

NativeAdBuzz group buy account - Reviews, Pricing, Discount with Coupon code | Easily analyze native ads and advertising campaigns

Native Ad Buzz Reviews

The official definition of native advertising has been somewhat of a debate, but simply put, native advertising is advertising that delivers relevant content in a familiar context for the user. The bottom line is to optimize the user-experience when serving ads. Good native advertising is:

  • Delivered to the user in the form of content
  • Not disruptive to the user experience on-site
  • Relevant to the user, meaning your message somewhat resonates with your audience (ex. car washing tips for an audience of car junkies)
  • And native advertising is NOT:
  • Traditional banner or display ads
  • Automatic…yet. It aims to be relevant to the user, whereas display ads can be shown to just about anyone. The advent of real-time bidding (RTB) may change this

Native advertising has gone under a lot of fire for compromising the relationship between the audience and the publisher. Users don’t want to be served paid-for propaganda in places they consider “unbiased” or “private” (in the most liberal sense of the word).

However, good in-stream ads are relevant and subtle (yet monetized). They fit seamlessly into your browsing experience so that it felt like you found it, not the other way around. That’s native advertising at its core.


Why All the Buzz with Native Advertising?

You’re probably all too familiar with traditional banner ads. The truth of the matter is that they don’t perform all that well for most advertisers. Frequent web browsers and shoppers tend to develop a serious, often-permanent disorder called “banner blindness,” where banners are subconsciously avoided or ignored entirely. Banner ads tend to fail for a few different reasons:

  • They’re not engaging. Users don’t really care for ads displaying a few products or some promotional offers. The web is over-saturated with banner ads.
  • They can be difficult to target. Even though you can target ads to a customer based on their browsing history, it’s almost impossible to be sure whether or not your ad is relevant to them (which can also makes your ad spend costly and inefficient).
  • Lastly, they’re disruptive. Users don’t want to see product ads everywhere on the page – on the right sidebar, on the top navigation, in the middle of an article they were reading.

Enter native advertising. Native ads work because they tap into the power of content marketing by serving relevant content to users who are ready and eager to consume.  While there is still value in display advertising, it’s not as effective at reaching a more relevant audience. According to Solve Media, 99.8% of banner ads are ignored and the clickthrough rate has decreased from 9% in 2000 to just .2% in 2012. The benchmark is becoming lower and lower. Users are becoming immune to it.

One of the biggest markets for native advertising is social media. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest have grown tremendously in a few short years, and they provide a portion of the built-in audience for native ads. According to Business Insider, social networks are responsible for at least 17% of all the time consumers spend on mobile. One sponsored post can reach millions of user in seconds, which is why native advertising in social media is so powerful and potent.

nativeadbuzz pricing

What is Native Ad Buzz?

Another top native spy ad tool currently available is the Native Ad Buzz. It is designed for marketers who want to spy on their competitors but find their options limited due to a tight budget.

Using Native Ad Buzz, you can easily analyze native ads of your competitors and come up with successful advertising campaigns. This tool has a NAB Mastermind Forum where you can learn from other advertisers.

With Native Ad Buzz, you can discover the best performing native ads and take hints from them to create your own successful ads.

You can filter the ads by the advertiser and see what your competitors are doing. It also helps you discover the scale and power of native ads.

Native Ad Buzz Features - Elaborated

The tool allows users to search by a wide range of options including:

  • Ad Keyword
  • Landing Page
  • Advertiser URL
  • Publisher
  • Redirects
  • Date Range
  • Times Seen
  • Ad Run
  • Language
  • Country
  • Device
  • Network

It also has the following search aids:

  • BRAND ADVERTISERS: Learn how big brands have embraced native advertising and utilize their techniques to generate awesome campaigns.
  • CONTENT CREATORS: Discover an unlimited supply of content ideas and identify which are working right now in Native Advertising arbitrage
  • DIRECT SALES MARKETERS: Uncover the techniques employed by direct sales B2B and B2C marketers utilizing content based marketing to explode their revenues
  • AFFILIATE MARKETERS: Learn the secrets of top affiliates, worldwide, who are using native advertising to generate massive traffic and sales

See more Affiliate Group Buy Tool on GroupBuyExpert!

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Native Ad Buzz Benefits

  • LAUNCH SUCCESSFULLY: Launch with a bang by using the products, ad text, images and strategies that are working online right now.
  • NAB MASTERMIND FORUM: Share and learn from other successful internet marketers in the NAB member’s only mastermind forum.
  • DISCOVER WHAT’S HOT RIGHT NOW: Condense hundreds of hours of tiresome research and analysis to a few easy minutes.
  • SAVE FAVOURITE ADS: Create a library of favorite ads and campaigns to quickly reference them later.
  • SPY ON COMPETITORS: Filter ads by advertiser to follow what the competitors are up to and stay 5 steps ahead.
  • AVOID COSTLY MISTAKES: Other marketers have paid to experiment and find out what works. See what they learned and avoid their mistakes.
  • UNCOVER TOP BUSINESS MODELS: Uncover converting funnels, ads and landing pages and discover where they are published and by which ad network.
  • MOBILE AND DESKTOP ADS: Filter by 5 device types, including IOS tablet, IOS phone, android tablet, android phone, and desktop.

Native Ad Buzz Pricing and Discount with Promo, Coupon code

  • Standard plan: $47 per month
  • Pro plan: $97 per month
  • Pro Annual: $575 per year

nativeadbuzz review


Native advertising is a publisher-driven form of marketing, so brands need to work more closely with their media partners to act as a publisher and produce effective content that drives audience reaction, which in turn will help achieve the desired results from any campaign. My advice to brands is that they need to work directly with publishers early in the creative process, as publishers are the ones who know content production best, which can make a big difference in ensuring success for your campaigns.

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