Group Buy Poweradspy Account
- Filter By Ad Positions
- Data Of Millions Of Ads From 15+ Countries
- Bookmark ‘The Best Ads’
- Engagement Oriented Details
- GEO-targeted
- Complete visibility
- Adspy Group Buy
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Please check this demo video to show how our Poweradspy work
PowerAdSpy Pricing
PowerAdSpy have 7 pricing packages
- Free: Get 20 free searches on Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube with no restrictions on search filters.
- Basic: Unlimited searches on Facebook, but with limited options for search filters. Try it free for $1 then pay $49/mo.
- Standard: Unlimited Facebook and Instagram searches, excluding lander properties filters. Try it for $7 for 5 days then $99/mo.
- Premium: This is where the software really starts to shine and you’ll gain access to unlimited searches and all available filters on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Start with a $7 trial then $149/mo.
- Platinum: Everything in the premium plan, including Google network for $249/mo. Trial for $7.
- Titanium: This plan unlocks Native content at $299/mo with a $7 trial.
- Palladium: The whole enchilada for $349/mo, including GDN. It also has a trial at $7.
What's account plan from groupbuyexpert.com? We're selling Poweradspy for just $30 and it is Palladium account package.
Empower Your Advertising with PowerAdSpy
In the fiercely competitive world of Facebook advertising, staying ahead requires strategic insights into competitors' operations. Unfortunately, Facebook restricts viewing metrics like comments and shares on fan page advertisements, making it difficult to discern effective strategies. Enter PowerAdSpy, an innovative tool that uncovers such hidden parameters, enabling you to spy on competitor ads and constantly evolve your strategies.
A PowerAdSpy is a cost-efficient way to acquire this indispensable tool. Offered by online communities like the highly recommended Group Buy Expert, Marketing Tool Group Buys offer substantial savings, often reducing subscription prices by at least 50%. By joining an active Dropshipping Group Buy Tools, you gain access to PowerAdSpy's invaluable resources without breaking the bank. With its deep insights into competitive advertising tactics, PowerAdSpy equips you to not just participate, but excel in the intense Facebook Ads game.
What is PowerAdSpy?
PowerAdSpy is a spy tool specifically made for harnessing the power of Facebook Ads. As the website states, PowerAdSpy is Built by Affiliates for Affiliates, and boy isn’t that true!
With PowerAdSpy, you will have access to a precise and intricate breakdown of the Facebook Ecosystem of Digital Advertising. This includes an E-commerce Ad database of over 6 million Ads from more than 15 countries, an in-depth analysis of your competitor’s Facebook Ads strategies, and winning CTA and Landing Pages that you can use for your Ads.
PowerAdspy gives you options for searching for relevant ads on Facebook. You can use their search and filter features by ad text, URL, page name, or user reactions from comments, affiliate network, ID or landing page technologies, etc.
PowerAdspy allows you to spy on all the campaigns of your competitors and track all their ads, creative, angles, landing pages from one single dashboard.
PowerAdspy allows one to see target market segments for every ad that draws their interest with a single click. One can also view ad reach, social engagement statistics and weekly trends all on the same page.
PowerAdspy guarantees to offer systematic advantages over your competitors and competitive prevalence for your company. It will adequately improve your Facebook Advertising Campaigns as it can find hidden niches and lucrative opportunities, removing all the hassle of content creation, identifying campaign targets, niche research and more.
Poweradspy has been designed to help users in ways that can help users to get a lot of benefits. One of the main ability of this application list is that it can help users to do better Facebook campaigning for products. Facebook keeps on changing in advertisement algorithms way too many times. So in order to find hidden traffic in the social media likes of Facebook, this program can be useful. Poweradspy can help users to find the hidden target market for the business. Please buy the best facebook Ads intelligence platform with coupon and avail the PowerAdspy discount.
How PowerAdsSpy Works
If you are in the E-commerce business, you know how important Facebook is as a source of traffic and conversions. Savvy businesses have already mastered how to use Facebook to maximize their reach and gain more traffic to their business.
But doing so step by step is tedious and time-consuming. You don’t have to. PowerAdSpy is the ultimate spy tool to sort out your Facebook Advertising needs.
Below is a video explaining exactly how PowerAdSpy works to help you with your Facebook Advertising campaign.
Poweradspy offers users to filter by the segments. Users have a lot of opportunity of specific filtering by using this tool. Facebook already provides the filtering option to run ads, but this program provides more specific filters to help the users. Users can choose the segments based on the news feed and likes. Users can run multiple campaigns using this tool, then later on they can see which campaign has done a better job. For example, in campaign A users can select slide shows of product, campaign B can be about product information and product’s picture and campaign C can be about product video. So after curating the results from all these campaigns with different target audience users will be able to identify which campaign is more successful. So it will be easier to find the niche of the users so that it can make best conversion. As conversion will bring sales to the site for a long term.
Poweradspy allows the users to visit the live posts. In this way users will be able to know the opinion of the people about the campaign as well. So that users know about people’s opinion about the product. Users will be able to get the real time reaction for instance. So it can prove beneficial for the users. So when users use this application, it has a lot of benefits. It also provides the data of the advertisement of 15 different countries, it offers the better understanding about the analytics of the data.
Here is screen shot of memeber dashboard while you login PowerAdSpy account
As you can see, PowerAdSpy starts by spying on your competitor’s Ads. Then it extracts and compiles accurate and impartial data to help you recreate the success of your competitor’s Ads in your own business.
To accomplish all these, PowerAdSpy is ridden with power-packed features and tools that surpass all other Spy Tools in its category.
Filter By Ad Positions:User has full control to research through as many as ads they like, segment the Facebook Ads based on the position of appearances such as News Feed and Side Location which helps to analyze the ones that perform better in the chosen domain to best audience conversions.
Data Of Millions Of Ads From 15+ Countries:Power AdSpy has the largest and most speedily growing data with Millions of Advertisements freshly added to the database each day from over 15+ Countries. It empowers one to find the most recent and successful ads in a few clicks that helps one to access what’s working and what’s not.
- Bookmark ‘The Best Ads’: It allows the user to bookmark ads they like with a single click and move them to the users’ personalized Ads inventory area, for faster search of ads and concepts that the user might want to draw inspiration from in their next ad campaigns. Bookmarking saves the user the time to search through the same ads over and over again.
- Engagement Oriented Details: Power AdSpy delivers users with engagement oriented details of Facebook ads. These engagement details of social interactions help users to identify the ads which are eye-catchers in their interest domain.
- GEO-targeted:Power AdSpy, backed by their Huge Datacenter of Millions of ads can provide precise information about the Geo-targets of the users’ competitors, which helps them to identify potential audience readily interested in their domain/product/services.
- Complete visibility:Power AdSpy allows users to visit the live ad posts readily from the platform, to give users a crystal clear visibility of Ads analytics. One can visit and cross-check the audience engagement in real-time along with their opinion about the ads.
- Narrow Down Your Searches:It is powered with an ability to search ads curated along with the users domain-related keywords, advertisers and also the domain of their target competitors. Users can also visit the top-performing advertiser/competitor and view almost every ad they are running.
- Powerful Search Algorithm:Power AdSpy is backed by powerful search algorithms that help users find the exact ads they are looking for by searching for popular keywords/phrases/terms within the ads. Users can also sort ads by dates, shares, likes and comments to easily find the best ads to draw inspiration into their own campaign.
- Combination of Videos and Image Ads: Videos are the latest ad strategies that are currently working best on Facebook. Power AdSpy taps on the video ads that the audience responds to the most and allows one to access the fastest growing category of Facebook Video Ads to download them for users own ad campaigns.
- Call to Action Based Sorting:Power AdSpy allows users to figure out the best Call to Actions working in their domains, which are an important factor behind the success of their ad campaigns.
- Search Shopify ADs Of Your Competitors: PowerADSpy helps users to search and find the most engaging ads run by successful Shopify store owners by providing full engagement details of the ads that can be used to analyze and create ones next ad campaigns and maximize the profits.
- Search Ads With Exact And Relevant Keywords: PowerADSpy allows you to search ads with exact or relevant keywords searched by users and gives them the ability to explore ads from narrower to wider results for better analysis backed by the powerful Facebook Ads Analysis tool.
Power AdSpy Dashboard Overview
PowerAdSpy is an extension that is downloadable for the user with a perfectly designed dashboard with fantastic user experience.
They have Dynamic Search Option when the user selects the drop-down from filters. In other spy tools, one needs to select the filters and search and scroll to click Apply button but in Poweradspy it is Dynamic Apply to Filters.
There are 3 filters in the Search Mode. They are Search Mode by
a) Keywords/Advertisers/Domain
b) Sort by Facebook Ads Engagement
c) Ads Seen Between by particular day/month etc.
In Filter Mode, one can view filter by Call to Action, Country, Ad Type, Ad Position, Gender, Age, etc. Particularly in CTA Filter and can filter ads by CTA like Shop Now, Watch More, Learn More, Donate, etc
Lander Properties in the PowerAdspy tool is a unique feature where the marketers shall hail the product. Users can find Facebook ads of the fellow affiliate competitors who are promoting affiliate offers via networks like Leadbit, Terraleads, etc.
Here one can get the ad copy of the advertiser, the URL used in the CTA or Ad Copy, Redirects & Outgoing URLs.
Also the Social media Engagement and the Gender Breakdown, Age Breakdown, Interests Targeted everything about the ad copy is explained in detail in the dashboard, available at a few clicks. The boards are self-explanatory and extremely user-friendly.
1. Advanced Search and Filter
PowerAdSpy has one of the best Search and Filtering tools in the market. With this tool, you can search for you Niche by finding your favourite advertiser and then filtering country, gender, among other fine details.
PowerAdSpy’s search tool boasts a Powerful Algorithm able to give precise results when you are searching for Facebook Ads using keywords, terms, and phrases included in the Ad.
You can also have your results sorted by Date, Likes, Shares or Comments.
2. In-depth Analytics
To determine the success of a particular Facebook Ad, you need details like Engaging Audiences, Engagement Rates, and the Number of Likes, Shares, and Comments that the post attracted.
PowerAdSpy supplies all these details including your competitor’s original post link for ultimate transparency.
3. Spy on the Competition
When we say PowerAdSpy thoroughly spies on the competitors, we are not exaggerating.
You can expect to learn your competitor’s Ad types, gain access to copies of the Ad including the creatives used, trackers, and even the angle they exploited.
4. Dynamic Search
The Dynamic Search is an invaluable feature that allows you to fine-tune your search by applying the Search Mode, Filter Mode or Lander Properties to your search.
The Search Mode allows 3 different filters. You can search for:
- Keywords, advertisers, and domains
- Facebook Ad engagements
- The window of time the Ads were viewed
Filter Mode features CTA filters, country filters, Ad type, Gender, Age, and Ad Position.
Lander Properties allows you to sniff Ads posted by affiliate competitors on other platforms like Terraleads and Leadbit. You can also download their Landing pages and use them in your own advertising campaigns.
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